Chapter 1

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"C'mon, you guys! The bullhead's this way! We need to move, now!" A young girl's voice is heard through the landing pods. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Hurry!!" That voice belongs to Ruby Rose, a 15-year-old short black-into-red-haired trainee who is an upbeat, cheerful and childish student of one of the four huntsman academies in Remnant, the Beacon Academy. She was also the leader of her team, RWBY. Even with her childish attitude, the young girl was shown to have capabilities as both a huntress and a leader, impressed the headmaster of the Beacon Academy and was admired by her friends and family.

"Ugh, can you be a little more patient, Ruby? We still had time, you know? So, calm down already, will you?" another voice calls out to the red-hooded girl. It was Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, and a member of team RWBY. She used to think that the headmaster made a wrong decision about Ruby being the team leader and thinks she deserves to lead the team, not her. But after been lectured by the fat, face-haired old man with a babbling mouth, she then changed her mind and decide to help Ruby to become a better leader, although she still has her trademark cold personality.

"Aww, don't be so cold, Weiss. You know my lil' sister is excited for our first ever mission. So let's all warm up and get going!" Another voice calls out, along with the groans of the previous two.

"Urgh, you and your bad puns, Yang." Weiss retorts.

The blonde-haired girl, who goes by the name of Yang Xiao Long, is right behind Weiss and her little half-sister. She's also the tallest and most mature - but sometimes perverted - of the team. She always got Ruby's back, protecting her from danger and caring for her like a big sister she is. Alongside her is a black-haired partner with a bow on her head, Blake Belladonna. She was the quiet, yet edgy one of the team, preferring silence, reading books and... privacy. But even she also cares about her teammates.

"Hmph, you guys don't appreciate my sense of humour. No fun." Yang pouted.

"Uhh, hey, has anyone seen-"

"WE'RE HERE! WAIT UP!" A boy's voice has heard from a distance. Ruby then looked to see that their friends, team JNPR, catching up to them. Ruby's first friend, Jaune Arc, is the leader of his team. The tall, blonde and scruffy sprint towards team RWBY and stops in front of them, panting for breath. "Hey...don't leave us behind, alright?"

"We wouldn't be if you hadn't been so late, Arc." Weiss once again retort. "You should know that you're the team leader, Jaune".

"Heeeyyy, team RWBY!!" A cheerful voice calls out. Ruby and her team then saw that Jaune's teammates were on their way to meet them. The first one is a bubbly and playful girl, Nora Valkyrie. She is very open to her companions and quickly grew fond of them - team RWBY, for instance. With her is the other two members of JNPR, Lie Ren and Pyrrha Nikos. Ren was Nora's childhood friend, who is usually mellow and wishes for peace and quiet, much like Blake, and doesn't bothered by her bubbly and contrasting personality. Pyrrha on the other hand, is a composed and collected individual who was modest and patient around other people, making her sociable, though her status as a celebrity made her difficult to make friends as the people she meet only want her autographs.

"Hi, Nora! Hi, Ren! Hi, Pyrrha!" The young silver-eyed girl waved at the other three.

"Pleasure to meet you." Ren responds with a smile, before putting a hand to his chest and bow.

"Hello, everyone." Pyrrha politely greets them, also smiling.

"Are you excited about this?! 'Cause we're about to see who can kill the most Grimm! And also, I want to break their legs!" Nora said, with a grin on her face before points her thumb to herself. "I bet you ladies can't keep up with me!"

RWBY: Light of Valor (OC Reader X Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now