Chapter 2

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I am sooo f**ked right now. Almost lost my motivation to write. Ughhh... Anyway, hope you enjoy the second chapter. Also, I wanna keep my OCs' (I created two) identities a secret until the next one or two chapters (one of them is the Bio one), because I don't wanna spoil it. And writing one chapter is not easy, as I'm trying to digging out ideas from my head. Oh, almost forgot to mention, you met Darkness, right? And no, not the pervert from Konosuba, I meant my "own" Darkness. He's the one that's gonna help me writing this book. And no, he's not a Wattpad user. Once again, hope you enjoy. Criticism is appreciated.

P:S Since I had already mentioned how I tried my best at writing this book, you could say that I'm a bit... "TRI-HARD"? Eh?

Darkness: Even Yang is not impressed with that pun. It's so bad.

Me: *pouts*

Darkness: Don't you pout at me, you big hoglin. There's a chapter waiting.

Me: Ugh, fine. Anyways, that's all.

Darkness: Well that's awkward. Even for you.

Me: Shut the f**k up.


Lazami Forest, East of Vale

Jaune and Pyrrha were wandering around side by side, looking for any Grimm that lingers in the depths of the forest. Walking in silence, they enjoy the beauty that is all around them, followed by the chirps of colorful birds, soothing to their ears. Pyrrha took a glance at her leader, who is in the state of nostalgia, remembering the memories of his family fun time here when he was 7 years old. As he did, a smile crept up his face, unknowingly the red-haired girl next to him is looking at him. Her heart is beating, face flushed red. She never knew how cute Jaune can be.

The moment of silence has broke when Jaune spoke up. "Hey, Pyrrha?" She shakes her head and blinks her vivid green eyes, coming back to reality. As she did, she saw Jaune looking at her in utter confusion. "Are you alright, Pyrrha? Why are you staring at me like that?" Then it came to her, and suddenly grew embarrassed. She's staring at him for a long time, not knowing that Jaune is looking at her. She turned her face away, hiding her embarrassment. Jaune is still confused as to know what's going on with Pyrrha.

Then, the two came across a crossroad. There are two paths in front of them, both of it look just the same. But they don't know which one is safer and which one is not.

"It's best if we split up." Jaune said to Pyrrha. "You'll take the right, I'll take the left. We don't know where these paths led us, but I know we'll meet each other there at the end."

"But it's dangerous to walk alone, Jaune! I don't want to lose you. It's not safe!" Pyrrha concerns about Jaune. "Perhaps we should stick together. As partners."

Jaune laughs it off. "Oh, please. I know what I'm doing." He then placed his hand on her shoulders, assuring her. "Look, I promise I'll meet you there. I can take care of myself, you know." He added, "Besides, I'm the team leader, after all!" As he finished, he did several - somewhat - heroic poses while making some fighting sounds, causing Pyrrha to giggle. Although deep down, he wasn't sure if he is ready to walk alone. It was such a stupid decision, he thought. But Pyrrha then spoke.

"Okay, Jaune. We'll go seperate ways. Stay safe out there, team leader~." She accepted his suggestion, with a hint of sultry in her tone when she said the last part.

Surprised by this, Jaune said, "O-Okay. You too, Pyrrha. And don't die, alright!"

"I won't, Jaune! You too!" With that the two members of team JNPR went on their seperate ways. Although for Pyrrha, she wanted to spent more alone time with him. And Jaune, on the other hand, is not too sure if he's confident to walk alone. But there was no turning back, as they went deeper into the depths of the Lazami Forest.

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