Chapter 3

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A/N: This is the third chapter of my book. Remind you again that my grammar is good but s**t at the same time. Also, It's gonna be long. But anyway, this is the chapter that I'm gonna reveal my OC's identity. On chapter 2, I did mentioned that I created 2 OCs, right? Well, that was a mistake. In the prologue, the one OC that I made is named "Bob" right? If you didn't know his name yet, maybe you should read the prologue BEFORE reading chapter 1. I know some of you might skip to the first chapter. Read the prologue, dumb**s!!! *calms down* Anyways, enjoy.


In the open plains of Lazami Forest, team RWBY is resting, watching the bright blue skies above, all the while laying on their backs. After the fight with the Boarbatusk, Yang and Blake joined their teammates for a relaxing time, cloud watching. And to prevent boredom from taking over them, Ruby had a light bulb on her mind.

"Girls!" Ruby said to her teammates.

"What?" Three of them asked in unison.

"Let's look at the clouds and imagine what kind of anything it looks like!"

"That is probably the most childish thing you could ever come up with." Weiss retorts.

Ruby whines. "Come on, Weiss! Have a little bit of fun, will you! I'm so bored right now, ugh!" Ruby then looked to the other two. "You girls agreed on this one, right?"

"Honestly, Ruby is right, Weiss." Yang agrees with her younger half-sister. "Sometimes, you just need a little bit of fun in your life."

"And why would I need to have fun?" Weiss asked. "Going out and partying in a club is fun, right? You always do that everyday. Is this what fun really is?"

"You don't understand, Weiss." Yang said. "Fun is doing something that you truly enjoy. It doesn't necessarily mean going out and partying. You could be sitting indoors, reading a good book, chatting with a favourite person or listening to good music and still be having fun." She continued. "When you are having fun, you are free of thoughts, you become completely immersed in the activity. This is why you should make fun in a priority in your life. So that's why we agreed with Ruby. Just watch the clouds and imagine any kind of shapes. It's that easy. And fun."

Weiss is starting to look deep in thought. She remembered her childhood. She did have any fun in her life, she just didn't realized it. She practice singing when she was six. But at times, due to her family busyness, she rarely have any fun. Singing was the only fun thing she had ever done.

Weiss looked at Yang and said, "...Fine. I'll watch the clouds with you girls." She turned away to hid her smile.

"That's the spirit, Weiss!" Yang said, assuring her.

(A wee bit. A WEE BIT! timeskip later, thanks to a guy that quoted "A brain fish of a memory". Also I don't know how to write that part so f**k it.)

While waiting for team JNPR, team RWBY is resting on the grassy floor, watching the clouds above and imagining kinds of cloud shape they could think of. At first, Weiss was started to not enjoy the sort of thing, but after a few moments, she finally did. She wanted to have fun just like the rest of her teammates, so she gets along with it.

Ruby pointed her finger to one of the clouds in the sky and said, "That one looks like a big cookie!". With her childish mind, she began to imagined herself on the said cloud, hoping to find cookies there.

"That one looks like a dove." Weiss raised her arm, pointing to the cloud that is shaped like a dove with a branch on its beak.

RWBY: Light of Valor (OC Reader X Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now