Chapter 1: AFO's Request

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A/N : This takes place 3 months after All Might's fight with AFO

All Might POV
I got a concerning call about All for One, they did not give me much information but from what I heard he is apparently dying and wanted to see me. At first I was shocked but everyone has their time to go, even him. But the reason he wanted me I was still confused about. I left UA as soon as I could and headed to Tartarus to speak with my nemesis.

When I arrived guards escorted me to OFA's cell and I sat down as the doors closed behind me. "So, to what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked curiously. "I have a request before I go. You may not like it but this is my only desire." AFO said horsely. "Well spit it out then." I impatiently groaned. "I wish to speak to Izuku Midoriya, specifically face to face." This caught me off guard. Why would he want to speak to young Midoriya? Is it because he is my successor? "Why?" I questioned. "I am sorry but I mustn't tell you the details." AFO replied. I looked at him with shock. "I know it's not exactly my place to make demands like this without explanation but, and I will only say this once, please." AFO begged. The fact that he is now begging confused and shocked me even more. He must really want to see Midoriya.

I sit there for a bit thinking about the pros and cons of this situation, its not like he can use his quirk or even move to hurt Midoriya so I guess I could agree. He is dying after all, maby he wants to get something off his chest. "Ok fine but I'll only give you ten minutes with him." I reluctantly say. "Thank you."

Deku's POV

I was chilling in the dorms common room after class when All Might comes in. "Young Midoriya may I speak to you for a moment." All Might beams. "O-ok sure!" I respond happily, but really I was freaking out. 'Did I do something wrong! If I did what was it? Oh God I'm going to die!' When we got outside I asked the make or break question, "Am I in trouble?" All Might looked at me for a second and just laughed, "Hahahah, no young Midoriya you aren't in trouble!" He smiled brightly. "Oh, then what is it?" I ask. "How do I explain this, hmm well All for One wants to speak with you." "Huh..." was all I could muster up to say. "All for One whats to speak with me? Why? What if he try to hurt me or escape?! Or maybe its.. *mumble mumble*" All might clears his throat and I realize I have been thinking out loud. "Sorry." I say sheepishly. "I don't know why he wants to speak with you but as it turns out he is dying, the doctors say he won't last the week and this is his dying wish." All Might explained. All for One is dying? Thats kind of sad. ( RIP lmao 🙏 ) "Ok I'll do it." I say with conviction. "Alrighty then, get more casual clothes on first and then we will leave, let's say in an hour." All Might announced.

After that I went up to my dorm to change out of my uniform and into a black thrasher sweatshirt, some black ripped skinny jeans along with my signature red shoes. I then went to the kitchen to eat a snack since I don't know how long I'll be there. When I finished eating and looked at my phone it was almost time to go so I ran out the doors and headed to the entrance gate. There I saw All Might waiting by a black limo. He opened the door and I got in, scooting over so he could sit too. The ride to Tartarus was peaceful and quiet as I looked out the window most of the way there. "We're here!" The driver yelled. "Alright young Midoriya are you ready?" All Might asked. "Yes."

We were escorted in by guards and walked for a while before stopping at a small metal door. One of the guards opened the door and the room looked like one in a hospital, as I was looking around my eyes landed on a figure lying down hooked up to multiple beeping machines. All Might and I entered the room them the door closed behind us. "Ah, Izuku Midoriya, we meet again at last, I'm glad to see you." AFO said, a slight smile spread on his face. "Um, hi." I say waving at him. "Come, sit let's have a chat." AFO instructed. I did as he said and sat in the chair next to his bed. For some reason I wasn't nervous, I felt a weird sense of calm. All Might was going to talk but before he could say anything AFO piped up and said, "All Might I would like it if me and Izuku here could speak alone please and thank you." (Dayum sassy much) All Might looked at me for reassurance and I just nodded and smiled, "Its ok!" "Alright, well if you need anything just scream and I'll come!" All might said before walking out the door.

When I turned to face All for One he had a smile but seemed sad. "So, Mr.AFO I was wondering why you wanted to talk to me?" I asked, making sure to be polite. "Ha, your still the same as always." He mumbled. "I asked to see you so I could apologize, make amends, and see you one last time." "What do you mean by that?" I asked, obviously confused. AFO'S face softened and he looked over at me. (even tho he has no eyes) "Im so sorry for leaving you and Inko, I had to keep you safe. Many people were after me and I would never wish that life upon you, my son." I swear he was crying even though he can't. "D-dad?" I ask, starting to cry. "Yes." He replied. When I heard that I immediately hugged him and cried my eyes out as he tried to comfort me the best he could. "Why didn't you come back?" I sniffed. "Like I said, it would put you and your mother in danger and I would never want that." I just nodded since I was crying too hard to form coherent sentences. "We don't have much time left, I have something to give you." He spoke. "W-what is it?" I asked, calming down. "Come close." He said. I leaned towards him and he weakly put his hand on my head. There was a flash of light and then severe pain, I let out a small scream and I guess All Might heard me because he busted through the door. The last thing I heard before blacking out was, "I will always be with you, son."

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