Chapter 6: Aizawa

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A/N: Hey sorry I have been gone for so long I just hit a block and depression got the best of me ill try updating more since I've got somewhat of an idea where I want to take the story. 

Nvm I have no idea what I'm doing, but ill act like I do!😃


Aizawa POV

  After Midoriya left I went to tell Nezu about his emergency so he could be pardoned from class. I knocked on the door and heard Nezu tell me to come in. When I stepped inside I saw All Might sitting on one of the chairs, 'I better tell him too since he and Midoriya are so close'. "Midoriya had to go home due to a family emergency, so I think he should have some time off." All Might looked up at me with worry, "Is his mother ok?!" "Yeah, he told me his father died and seemed pretty upset about it, that's why I think he needs time off." All Might immediately stood up and pulled out his phone, "I should call Inko to console her." I looked over at Nezu confused and he just shrugged at me.

  As I was filling out paperwork for Midoriyas break All Might came back into the room looking confused and lost. "Um, you ok?" I asked slowly. All Might just look at me for a bit before speaking, "I just got off the phone with Inko." "Ok, and?" I asked just as confused. "She said they haven't heard from him in over ten years." The only thought in my mind was how this man had the audacity. "Just because he hasn't heard from him doesn't mean he can't be sad about his death are you serious?" All Might looked shocked before correcting himself, "I didn't mean it like that! I meant that they had gotten no news about him dying or anything of the sort." "So he was lying," Nezu said, hiding a grin behind his teacup. "Well, he seemed genuinely distraught so something must have happened," I added thinking back to earlier today. "The question is, where is he now?" Nezu inquired. "He didn't tell me but I assumed he was going with his mother." All Might opened his mouth to speak until Nezu chimed in, "Let me guess his Mother hasn't seen him?" All might shook his head and Nezu had a huge grin on his face.

  I left his office with way too many questions that I couldn't get answers to. Nezu told both of us to keep an eye on Midoriya but don't bring anything up. All Might had his objections but went along with it anyway. Nezu must have some type of theory since he had that shit-eating grin on the whole time but I just hope the problem child is ok.

 Izuku's POV

  I got back to UA around 8:00 pm, a full hour before curfew, which is good because any later and Iida might have given me the 'There's a curfew for a reason' talk. I walked into the dorms and saw most of the class hanging out, studying, or watching a movie that Mina probably put on. "Hey Deku come watch this movie with us!" Uraraka said waving me over. "Sure!" I said with a smile as I walked over and plopped onto the couch. "Ooh, what's that? You got a secret girlfriend or something?" Mina asked gesturing to the necklace. "Oh no I just thought it looked cool." I laughed and then tucked it into my shirt before focusing back on the movie. (PS they were totally watching Barbie: Mermadia) 

  After the movie, I went to my room to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with all the shit Shigaraki gave me. I don't even know when he wants me to wear the wire or where to hide everything. Looking around I spot an out-of-place floorboard and pry it up. 'Under the floorboards, great, not cliche at all' I thought while carefully placing everything in the hole and covering it back up. When I got done It was around 10 p.m so I decided to at least try to sleep tonight.

  It was 3 a.m and I still couldn't sleep. All I could think about was how easily I was betraying U.A. I mean all Shigaraki did was ask and I just said yes? No, I didn't even agree to this he was threatening me. I could try to tell the teachers but what if they lose faith in me? What if All Might decides I'm no good? God, all of this is making my head hurt. As I sat there having a crisis I felt a pain in my stomach. Oh, I forgot to eat dinner when I came back didn't I? Welp, everyone should be asleep so I could sneak a late night/early morning snack as long as I'm quiet. After putting on a shirt I silently crept down the halls to get to the kitchen. Once there I quickly grabbed an apple, Capri Sun, and chips. 'Perfect' I thought as I started walking back to my room. "What are doing up?" I hear a voice behind me say. A panicked squeak came from my mouth as I frantically swiveled around only to see Aizawa-sensei. "Oh, I was just having some trouble sleeping and got hungry. I'm heading back up to my room now." I flashed him a smile but before I could move he started talking. "Is it about what you told me earlier?" I nodded slowly. "Do you want to talk about it?" I thought a second before replying, "No, I'm good I just need some sleep  thank you though." Aizawa nodded and started walking away so I ran back up to my room. I ate the food and decided to finally go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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