Never really over (part 18)

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**that next morning
Jughead*wakes up and sneaks out the door*
Veronica: Hey Jughead, where's
Jughead: she's asleep still
Veronica: okay
Jughead: I think I'm gonna go to pops *starts to walk away
Veronica*gets up* what if she ask for you?
Jughead: umm hold on *runs upstairs*

**in their room
Jughead: she's still asleep, I will write a note*writes not*
*the note
I went to pops, be back later. Also gonna get you a milkshake! Love you, Jughead
*he leaves

**at pops
Pop: hey Jughead long time
Jughead*sits down* yeah some shit has happened
Pop*looks at him*
Jughead: oh sorry, it's a lot with Betty and the crash and losing Cheryl
Pop: the girls where in the crash
Jughead: yeah, you didn't know
Pop: no I didn't, I'm so sorry
Jughead: yeah, can I get a strawberry milkshake to-go?
Pop: for Betty anything

**at home
Betty*wakes up* where is Jughead? *sees note* aww
*has flashbacks of her whole life* AAAHHH
Veronica*hears her* Betty, oh god*runs up there*
Betty*screaming* AAAAAAHH*passes out*
Veronica*comes in* BETTY *shakes her* Betty please*starts crying*

**texting Jughead
Veronica: JUGHEAD
Jughead: what's wrong?
Veronica: it's Betty, something happened and she passed out
Jughead: I will be there in 5 minutes

Veronica: it's okay Betty*holds her close and rocks* it's okay

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