Never really over (part 19)

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**at Veronicas house
Jughead*runs upstairs* BETTY *runs in her room*
Veronica: I don't know what happened *crying* she screamed and I ran here but she passed out. I don't know what happened
Jughead*panicked* umm we need to get to the ER
Jughead*picks her up and runs out the door* lets go
Veronica: okay

**at the ER
*Veronica and Jughead run in
Nurse: oh god no *runs over with a bed*
Jughead: I'm sorry I don't know what happened*breaks down*
Nurse: come let's get her back there *starts rolling her away*
Jughead and Veronica follow her
Nurse: can y'all tell me what happened?
Veronica: she was in her room, I heard screaming and when I got in she passed out
Nurse: okay we probably need an MRI and Cat scan
Jughead: okay
Nurse: y'all wait in the waiting room *wheels her away*

**an hour later
Nurse*goes to Jughead and Veronica*
Jughead: is she okay?
Nurse: it's a miracle
Jughead: what happened?
Nurse: they scanned her and it's like she never lost her memory*shows him the pictures*
Veronica: really?
Nurse: yeah*smiles and starts to cry happy tears*
Jughead: can I see her?
Nurse: of course hun
Jughead*smiles* come on Veronica
*they go to the room

**in her room
Nurse: here y'all are
Jughead*walk in*
Veronica: Jughead I will be out in the hallway
Jughead*nods and sits in the chair next to her* hey betts
Betty*starts to wake up*
Jughead: feelin better?
Betty: Jug I can remember! Everything
Jughead*stands up* I know
Betty*looks at him* did you really stay with me? The whole time?
Jughead*sits beside her* well yeah Betts
Betty*smiles* your to good for words Jughead Jones
Jughead: I'm so happy your okay
Betty: me too *kisses him passionately*
Jughead*kisses her back*
Betty*pulls away slowly*
Jughead: god I have missed you

**in the hallway
Veronica*watching them and smiles*
Reggie*shows up* I'm here is she okay?
Veronica: beyond at it actually
Reggie: what happened?
Veronica*starts crying happy tears* she got her memory back*looks back at them*
Reggie: that's great
Veronica: they really are soulmates
Reggie: Bughead is endgame, just like us
Veronica*turns to him* you think your cute
Reggie: so do you! *kisses her*

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