The Sun and The Moon

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Louis wakes to the sound of birds in the tree outside. Chirping monotonously clearly pissed about something. He shares their irritation. But a warm chest is once again beneath his head, and a gentle hand is caressing his hair, scratching slightly on the upstroke, and making him feel sated. Louis settles happily, nuzzling down and breathing in Harry's earthy scent; the irritation rapidly dissipating.

"Breakfast?" Harry asks softly.

"Mmmm. Hungry." Louis says as his stomach rumbles on cue.

Harry places a kiss on top of Louis' head. Again with the head kisses.

Louis isn't going to complain, he's not, he is thoroughly enjoying their time together, but he also hopes they'll be moving on to the good stuff sooner rather than later. His dick also shares that hope. He's currently sporting a semi in his pyjamas, but thankfully he's got some space in between it and Harry's leg. He'd dearly love to shift forward and rub one off, but that would be quite uncouth. He'll just sort himself out in the shower.

Harry pats him on the back and Louis takes that as a signal to roll over and let Harry up.

They had finished the night with their quartet in the early hours, but Louis had been too comfortable wrapped up in Harry's arms under the warm blanket to drink more than two beers. He's grateful for that now as there is no hammering in his head to ruin his day.

Harry gets up from the bed and heads over to the door as Louis stretches his arms above his head.

Harry turns the handle and looks back over his shoulder. "Might wanna sort that out before you come downstairs Lou." Louis' head snaps over to Harry to find a cheeky grin playing on his lips, staring suggestively at the morning wood bulging in Louis' pyjamas.

Realising he's been caught out, Louis groans and throws one pillow over his crotch and another towards Harry just as he scampers out the door.

"I hate you!" Louis shouts, and pulls the covers over his head.

Louis doesn't, in fact, 'sort that out' as Harry had so eloquently put it. He's a grown ass man and can contain his urges thank you very much. But he does feel pleasantly refreshed after his shower and follows the wafting smells of bacon and eggs down the stairs.

"Morning Lou. All better now?" Harry says and Louis would very much like to wipe that smug grin off his face, but that's for another time. Now he'd just like to get some food into his stomach.

"What's up buttercup?" Louis sing-songs as he plops himself down in a kitchen chair in front of a steaming plate of food. "Mmmm smells good."

Harry places his own plate on the table and sits down opposite Louis. "Thanks for last night Lou. Niall and Liam are lovely. I had such a good time."

"Mate. Anyone who can render Niall speechless for almost an hour is automatically inducted into our group. We'll never wanna let you go now." Louis says, but he knows that maybe it won't be up to them, maybe Harry will be the one leave.

He doesn't like that thought and his throat goes a bit dry.

Louis gets up from the table. "Water?" He asks Harry.

"No thanks, all good."

Louis reaches up to get a glass from the top cupboard, his sleep shirt riding up at the back above his pyjama bottoms, exposing the base of his spine.

"Louis!" Harry shrieks.

Louis spins around glass in hand and sees that Harry's eyes are practically bugging out of his head.

"Louis oh my god! What is that?!"

Louis' eyes dart over the room expecting to see impending danger of some sort, but there's nothing.

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