Welcome Home

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Louis is floating, or is he swimming, or falling? He feels weighed down and weightless at the same time. Blinding lights flash around him, swirling, dancing, licking at his skin like sparklers at a New Year's Eve celebration. Harry's hand is gripping his tightly, grounding him.

A final burst of white light and then his feet hit something solid, his body heavy, gravity taking over and forcing him to buckle to his hands and knees. He breathes deeply, staring at his fingers and wiggling those not still clasped in Harry's. Yup. Still in one piece apparently. So far so good.

The blood rushing in his ears starts to ease, his hearing returning, but it's replaced by another sound, like a roaring ocean.

Harry squeezes his hand. "Lou. Look. It's okay. Look."

Louis raises his head and the sight before him knocks the air out of his lungs. It's not an ocean, but a sea of people, bathed in moonlight. Thousands upon thousands, as far as he can see, carpeting the land, everywhere, not an ounce of earth remaining uncovered. They're shouting and clapping and crying, throwing things in the air in jubilation.

Harry pulls him to his feet, he's unsteady but Harry lets go of his hand and wraps an arm around his shoulders, kissing him on the cheek.

Louis feels like his eyes are out on stilts, his mouth agape, unable to process what he sees.

"H-Harry..." Louis is shivering, it's overwhelming.

"Don't be scared. They're all here for you, Lou." Harry leads them to the edge of the platform. "Give them a wave, let them know you're happy to see them."

Louis looks up to Harry, blinking, shocked, and tentatively raises his hand, turning back and waving to the crowd before him. If he thought it was loud before, it's not a patch on the deafening sound that hits him now, a surge of bodies moving like a ripple on a still lake throwing their arms in the air. Screams and shrieks and applause. Children raised up on shoulders, waving ribbons and coloured flags.

A small group is moving up onto the platform, making Louis nervous, so he tucks himself further under Harry's protective arm. The group are draped in robes with brightly coloured fabrics and golden sashes across their chests, headdresses rising high covered with jewels.

"These are the Six Elders Of Ashvarda, Lou. They're coming to welcome you, bringing gifts."

A woman, perhaps in her forties comes forward and stands to his side. "Welcome Louis, Prince Of Light, I'm Surtika of the Elder Council, we're so happy you're here. All of Ashvarda celebrates your return, to your home, to your world. We offer you jewels and riches from our land."

Surtika reaches out with a golden necklace, jewels of all colours hanging from the chain. Louis looks back to Harry and he nods encouragingly. He turns back to Surtika and bows as she places the necklace over his head.

Standing up straight, he tries to get some words out. "Th-thank you. It's uhm... it's lovely to meet you."

Surtika nods and moves to stand by Harry's side as the other five Elders present Louis with gifts in turn. A belt plaited with silver and gold thread, rubies adorning the buckle, a cloak made of something like velvet, deep purple and satin on the inside with a turquoise clasp. Harry takes each item after Louis has thanked the Elder who presents it, piling them up on top of his duffle bag. Next, an emerald encrusted goblet, then a small wooden box with what he can only assume are massive yellow diamonds inlaid on the lid, and finally a gold pendant with the biggest sapphire he's ever seen.

After the last Elder, Dushan, has given Louis his gift he walks over to a small raised platform at the side and steps up, speaking into a long wooden funnel jutting out towards the crowd.

The Prince Of Light (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now