Show Me What You've Got

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As they walk back along the pathway to the house, the sunlight filters through the canopy above. It shines down on the same worn path Louis has walked countless times, illuminating the same rocks and dirt and flowers and bushes as always, but now, Louis is seeing things differently, seeing them through fresh eyes.

He thinks of what this world would be like without light and what life must be like in Ashvarda with no sun for twenty years. Beings that have never seen sunshine, never experienced the warmth of the sun's rays on their backs, never seen a sunrise or sunset. It makes his heart ache.

They walk in silence, Harry allowing the enormity of what has transpired, and what is to come, settle in Louis' consciousness.

Winding their way slowly to the edge of the forest, they emerge into the garden and step inside the house, toeing off their shoes. Everything looks as it was, undisturbed by the tectonic shift that has occurred. Their breakfast plates, still on the table, the scene before them frozen like a moment in time.

Louis stands at the kitchen bench as Harry makes them a tea. The whistle of the kettle awakening Louis from his thoughts.

Harry passes Louis his mug and then takes his hand and leads them into the lounge, sitting on the floor and motioning for Louis to do the same.

Louis considers what will happen next. Everything is different. He can't see this world in the same way anymore. Not when he knows him being here is depriving an entire world of sunlight. He has a great life, but he knows in his soul that he doesn't belong here anymore, he has a purpose to fulfil, and a life to lead that is on Ashvarda. From the moment Harry started sharing the the story, there was no question that he would go, he had to go.

He's not sure how to broach the subject with Harry, but knows that he must be practically jumping out of skin with nervousness and wonder. They sip their tea in quiet comfort for a while as Louis gathers his thoughts.

"You've got the hang of this whole tea thing now I see. Good brew." Louis says with a soft smile, motioning towards Harry with his mug.

Harry startles, clearly not expecting that as Louis' opening salvo, and then chuckles. "Yeah. Uhm. We don't have tea on Ashvarda."

"Well that's a travesty! I'll have to change that eh?" Louis says with a wink, knowing full well what his words mean.

"You will?" Harry says with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Course. Can't very well spend the rest of my life without a cuppa. Trust me, you don't want to see me grumpy and without caffeine."

"You- you'll come then? To Ashvarda? With me?"

Louis places his tea on the rug and reaches out for Harry's hand, holding it tight in both of his. "Of course I will you great dolt. Can't believe you had any doubt. Shame on you." Louis admonishes, shaking his head and feigning disappointment.

The beaming smile that spreads across Harry's face is blinding. Filled with love and awe and a tinge of relief. He places his own mug next to Louis' and reaches up to cup Louis' cheek.

"Thank you Louis. Thank you so much. I had hoped... but, I wasn't sure. I can't even imagine how overwhelming this all must be. I know it must have been a shock." Harry says, and leans in, a soft "Thank you" falling from his lips, clearly overcome with emotion. His deep green eyes seek out permission which Louis grants by closing the distance.

They fall into the kiss easily, drawing each other in with every languid caress of their lips. It's soft and gentle and so perfect Louis thinks he could easily lose himself for eternity.

But Louis wants more. Needs more. He gets to his knees and moves forward, careful not to break the kiss and suspends himself above Harry's lap, thighs coming to grip Harry's tightly. Harry tips his head back to accommodate the shift in height and brings his hands to rest on Louis' lower back over his mark, edging closer to where Louis really wants them.

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