Step Into The Light

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"Tell me what it's like." Louis is laying with his head on Harry's bare chest which is rapidly becoming is favorite place to be, running his fingers back and forth on Harry's stomach, circling and dipping into his belly button randomly.

"It's beautiful and magical and everything you can't even imagine. I know you're going to love it." Harry trails his hand up to the nape of Louis' neck, scratching lightly. "There are tall trees that reach into the sky, meadows of flowers that change colour with the seasons, lakes that sparkle like they're sprinkled with stardust, and rivers that wind around the mountains snaking their way to the oceans. I've only ever seen them by moonlight so to see them in the sunlight, that's going to be a sight to behold."

"How do you know it's going to work? What if I've been gone for too long? I mean, maybe this, whatever it is, wears off, you know?" Louis cranes his neck to look up at Harry.

"Not possible." Harry shakes his head. "The portal opened for you, and it had been drawing me in since you returned to the forest. It'll be fine Lou."

Louis rests his head back on Harry's chest and snuggles in closer, rubbing his foot up Harry's calf and ruffling the hairs on his shin. He stills his ministrations as a scary thought enters mind, sitting up in shock. "Wait. Will we be the same? Do we- when we go through the portal, do we change into some other kind of creature?!"

Harry sits up too, chuckling to himself. "Nah Lou, just the same." He reaches around and cuddles Louis back into his chest, laying them both down. "There's nothing to be afraid of, the surroundings are different, sure, but things still work the same."

Louis relaxes back into Harry's embrace, walking his fingers up to the small patch of chest hair between Harry's pecs and swirling it around. "Oh okay, that's good then."

Louis thinks about how different it's going to be, how strange and astonishing. "I know you said my parents were killed in the Great War, but, I was wondering, do I have any other family left?"

"Yeah Lou, you do. Quite a lot actually." Louis leans up on his elbow, eyes bright with surprise, eagerly waiting for Harry to continue. "I'm so sorry, I should've told you about them earlier." Rubbing his hand soothingly up and down on Louis arm. "Both of your grandmothers are still alive, as well as an aunt, and a bunch of cousins."

"Really? Oh my god! Harry that's... wow, that's amazing." Louis sits up fully and grabs Harry's hands, squeezing tightly. "A family..." he pauses, "...what were my parents like?"

"Well, I only know from stories, but they were very brave and fought hard in the war to protect Ashvarda, and you, and our way of life. Ailayah and Autrey, they were young, not much older than we are now, you were their first child. We can go and visit their memorial in the Temple of Light where their souls are laid to rest. My parents are in the Temple Of Dark on the other side of the Temporal Pool. I visit the temples all the time, it's peaceful."

"You visit my parents as well?" Louis looks into his eyes, in awe.

"Yeah. I do. It's a beautiful, peaceful place, and it made me feel closer to you somehow, gave me hope that I'd find you one day. I always felt as though there was a connection to you there, through their spirits."

Louis fiddles with Harry's hands. "What it's going to feel like? When we go through the portal?"

Harry pauses for a moment, eyebrows pinching. "It's uhm.. it's kind of like swimming? But with weights on your ankles. It's hard to describe. There's a lot of light and it swirls around. But it's quick, only a few seconds and then we'll be there." Harry strokes his cheek. "I'll be right there with you, there's no need to be scared. I'll go through this morning and talk to the Elders so that everyone can be ready, and then come back for you a while later. The whole world is going to be so happy to see you."

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