Chapter 11

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“Don't you think there's a bit of tension going on between them?” Remi asked in a low tone.

“I know right,” Kimberly agreed immediately. “They look like they want to rip each other's throats.”

Turning away from them after sparing a glance, Killian then focused his attention to the next pair standing inside. He couldn't help but frown upon noticing the way both of them were glaring at each other.

It had been almost five minutes since he walked back inside the gymnasium, also the same span of time since Razael and Nyclaine's fight ended. Two minutes ago, Professor Kyte came back inside with Nyclaine trailing right behind him. He wanted to ask what happened but no matter how he approached the blonde to gain some answers, she would always just brush it off as nothing.

Another thing that was bothering him is the cut on her left cheek. He caught a glimpse of that when they bumped into each other earlier. But the moment she took a step back inside, there wasn't even a slightest trace of the wound visible on her face. He knew from experience that most people with the same abilities as her are not likely to be able to heal themselves. And he highly doubt that she managed to get into the infirmary in that brief three minutes she spent outside. The only remaining explanation for her to return unscathed is for their professor to have healing abilities, which Killian is more than aware that he doesn't.

“What the hell's going on between them?” Raze asked, successfully snapping Killian out of his thoughts.

“I don't know,” Nyclaine whispered with a worried expression on her face. “But whatever it is, it doesn't look too good.”

After almost a full minute of the blonde and the redhead muttering apologies to each other, Killian was just glad to have them both acting the same around each other again. Although he couldn't help but be bothered by the subject of their conversation.

They weren't kidding when they kept on pointing out the strange atmosphere inside the separated room. Despite the signal being given seconds ago, Axelia and Jiro showed no signs of delivering the first move. They were just radiating a perilous aura as they kept their respectable distance. And given every odd in those circumstances, a single thought kept on pestering the minds of those spectating their current match.

They don't know a single thing about the two of them.

On the other side, the ambience was suffocating with a creeping hostility. Nobody dared to move a muscle as both of them started burning with the need to know some answers; Jiro wanting nothing but to give in to his curiosity about the knowledge he discovered a few weeks ago, while Axelia was fighting a different battle with her thoughts in a futile struggle to come up with the missing pieces of her memory.

“You know, I'm genuinely surprised that you have no idea about what happened to you eleven years ago.” Jiro broke the uncomfortable silence.

When Axelia remained quiet regardless of the mild interest that flashed across her face, he removed both his hands from his pockets as he said, “Guess I'll just have to tell you what I know so we can get this over with.”

As soon as those words left his mouth, the ground underneath their feet began to shift. A deep, grumbling sound could be heard from the depths of the Earth before the concrete that Axelia was standing on started to rise bit by bit. Numerous spikes made from various rocks and minerals suddenly pierced through the cement, elevating into the air with immense force and speed.

When the closest one to her was only a second away from grazing her skin, she did the most unexpected action by launching her feet off the ground, twisting her body in mid-air to avoid it in the nick of time. With a swift turn of her torso, she was able to dodge another one before her right foot came in contact with the evened side of the surging rock materials. Using that instant as a leverage, she inclined her body to a specific angle before boosting towards the others, dodging them effortlessly while repeating the process over again.

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