Chapter 21

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"What in the world is that girl thinking?!" Jiro exclaimed when he caught a glance of Axelia's sports car accelerating in front of them in his peripheral vision.

"She just took over the next lane then got ahead of us," Kimberly whispered as if she was caught in a daze. Her lips were still slightly agape from witnessing how the other vehicle drove past them with such a high speed.

"You don't think they'll get a ticket for driving too fast, do you?" Nyclaine asked and the way she was taking everything so calmly left the brunette baffled beyond belief.

"You're worried about that when the two of them are driving like they're in a fucking race track?!" Kimberly asked in disbelief while gesturing towards the motorcycle that's still speeding off in the distance with the sports car trailing not far behind it.

"I don't think anybody will be able to catch up with them to give them a ticket," Jiro replied to the blonde's previous question.

Aside from Kimberly blurting out countless remarks about Axelia's way of driving, the following minutes were spent in complete silence; with the three of them trying to keep the other two vehicle's within their sight for the sole reason of being concerned about their friends' well-beings. Well, the peaceful ambience only lasted for a short span of time as it was interrupted when Jiro suddenly muttered a series of curses.

"What the hell is wrong with them? Shit!" he hissed when he saw the bike and the black car making an abruptly sharp turn around the corner. Forcing himself to tear his gaze away from them, he focused his eyes back on the road before doing the same.

He was only able to release the breath he didn't knew he was holding when the six of them managed to reach the parking lot of the mall unharmed. Gritting his teeth in mild frustration, he stepped outside his car, slamming the door behind him as he strode towards the spot where Razael's motorcycle was parked.

"Oi! What the hell was that about? You could've gotten yourself hurt, you idiot!" Jiro scolded the redhead the moment he took a step away from his bike.

"But I'm still fine, aren't I?" Raze argued tauntingly before tucking both his hands inside his pockets. "And chill, man. If we're talking about somebody here getting caught in an accident, then it should be Axelia you're worrying about."

Giving him a final glare, Jiro then diverted his attention to the two passengers stepping outside of the sports car. But before he could even get the chance to say anything, Nyclaine was already walking past him towards Killian's direction.

"Are you okay?" she asked with a worried frown when she noticed that he seemed to be a little pale.

"I'm fine," Killian reassured her before flashing a smile. "You should've warned me about that, though. She's one hell of a driver."

"I told you there wouldn't be any accidents." Nyclaine grinned before letting out a soft chuckle at his reaction.

"Anybody who was in my place would've thought otherwise," he replied with a weary sigh.

After seeing the five of them already scattered around in the parking lot, away from their vehicles, Kimberly decided to follow suit. Standing a few steps away from them, she started to wave. "Hey guys! About the-"

"Axelia?" a male voice called out, cutting off the brunette's sentence with a single word.

As she turned around to take a look at the owner of the voice, Axelia was met with an all too familiar figure. "Hey."

"Hey," Jude repeated with a chuckle before glancing at the six of them before raising his brows as he asked jokingly, "You're not skipping your classes by any chance, are you?"

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