nine - shit, get out

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The day after we lastly saw each other, I decide to go to Harper's again. I just want to check on her, if she really broke up with Mason and if so, I will comfort her and spend the rest of the afternoon with her.

I do feel kind of bad for both Harper and Mason. Harper doesn't deserve to not be happy with her life, but Mason doesn't deserve to be cheated on also. I mean, they're both my friends. Harper is my best friend of course, but Mason and I also have grown closer over the years, because he simply was around very often. Sometimes he even spent weeks at Harper's, for example when he didn't get along with his parents or when his parents were on a business trip for a few weeks. Mason and I aren't that close, but I still care about him because he is a nice guy and has been the best boyfriend to Harper.

I knock on her door and suddenly I hear a silent 'shit, get out' coming from inside. "Shoo, just get out already!" Hearing stomping and rumbling from inside, I decide to knock again. I mean, it's obvious that someone's home. After a few more moments, Harper opens the door and is only dressed in a white T-Shirt. "Ava!" She exclaims. "Come in hun!" Something in my head is telling me that she's uncomfortable.

"Had a wild afternoon with Aiden?" I smirk, lifting my eyebrows. I sit down on their sofa, while Harper disappears into her bathroom to put on some leggings.

"Uhh... Yeah." She mumbles.

"So you're not sad about the break up with Mason anymore?" I ask, moving my eyebrows into a frown. I have witnessed many break ups. I've seen girls that got over it pretty fast, but I haven't seen it happen this fast.

"Nah, not really." She answers. She doesn't even bother to explain.

"...And why may I ask?"

"God, Ava what is your problem! You're so nosy!" She shouts annoyed. I don't know why she's acting like this. Either she got on her period today (although she would be two weeks early) or she is just annoyed with me. I think I'll go with the first option though.

"What's your problem! I just wanted to check up on you because you were sobbing all over me last night!"

"Ugh." She sighs. "We broke up on good terms. He admitted that he was getting bored too so we just ended it as friends. Happy now?" She walks into the kitchen and grabs the smoothie she apparently had just mixed.

"Okay, that's good." I answered bluntly. "Well I'm sorry for interrupting you then, I'll go. Bye." I say and walk to the front door again.

"Wait." Harper says after a moment. "Look, I'm sorry. Let's just pretend this didn't happen okay? Is there anything you want to talk about or did you just want to check up on me?" She asks, motioning for me to sit down again.

"Actually" I say. "There's this boy, we've been texting. I met him at the party you know. We met today and he told me a bit about what went down yesterday."

"Oooohh, Ava! What's his name?" She asks excitedly.

"Luke, Luke Hemmings." I blush and look at my feet.

Instead of jumping up and down, her eyes just widen in shock. She catches herself again after a few seconds, but still I am curious about what she was thinking.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"N-Nothing. Um... So you two met today?" She asks, changing the topic again slightly.

"Eh, yeah we met at the mall. He told me that I've been dancing on the tables and pole dancing and making out with random dudes! Crazy, isn't it? Like ew, I didn't think that I would be that bitch to make out with all the guys at a new year's party." I laugh, and look at Harper, who starts to laugh hysterically when a few seconds ago she still had a shocked, straight expression covering her facial features. Oh my god, this can't get weirder.

"Hahaha, Ava! You must have looked so stupid while doing that! But - haha - hasn't he done something about it? Did he just watch it happen?"

I laugh uncomfortably. "No actually, he said that he kept all the guys off of me and he said that I told him I loved him after." I say, as if it is the craziest thing in the world.

"Oh wow, that's really crazy! But, let me rephrase that. You danced on the tables and shit right? To be honest, I think he just talked to you because he thought you were hot and he wanted a hit and run..." She says, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Do you really think that?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think he is just trying to get what he wants now that you didn't sleep with him last night. It's pathetic. Just watch out Ava, I don't think he is a good guy."

To be honest too, I think Harper is right. Maybe he was running after me now, so he could run off after we had sex. Maybe that's why he stayed in his car, he didn't want to put the effort into it, maybe he was getting bored of chasing after me if it was clear that I wasn't so fun once I was sober. But still, there were these moments when I caught him off guard, I mean, who would snatch one's hand from the volume button in a reflex, when it wasn't all planned to be fake? Who would be able to remain so calm while putting up this huge lie, still being able to transfer relaxing feeling just by one touch?




Should I do this chapter in Harper's Point Of View for my next update? I don't know, there are a few things that happened before Ava arrived at Harper's house you know, but I'm afraid I'll give away too much details about the story itself. Ugh. You feel meh??? Comment if you want it though.


Pls cument & vot if u liek tis stori u wil maek the auter rly heppi thx

Bye x Megan

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