Chapter 5

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I woke up at 7 am and Nash was in the shower so I got up and got dressed then sat and waited for him to come out, there wasn't really much to do other than watch tv because I left my phone at home and Nash brought his but it was only for emergency calls but I couldn't find it so I just sat and waited.

A few minutes passed and I was really bored so I decided to look for Nash's phone, I looked in the draw by his side of the bed and I found it he has the iPhone 5s and I have the iPhone 5 but for some reason I think Nash's is better than mine.

I went on his phone and took loads of random pictures then I went on his messages and I was gonna send Cameron a prank message but then I realized that we had agreed not to do that again after what happened last time.

I did random stuff but nothing bad and I set an alarm for 10am with a mess have with it saying HI I LOVE YOU FROM JERRY! Really random I know but I was bored.

Eventually Nash came out the shower.

"Are you on my phone?" He asked.

"Yeah I was bored but I didn't do anything bad I swear." I told him.

"But I thought my baby was the definition of bad." He winked,

"Mm yeah but nothing horrible I meant." I said and he smiled.

"I trust you." He answered and I smiled you don't understand how amazing it feels to have the person you love have so much trust and love

Nash got dressed and we went downstairs and had breakfast then came back up to our room.

"What do you wanna do today?" Nash asked as he hugged me from behind.

"Dunno, we could go swim if you want." I suggested and he kissed my cheek.

"Of corse baby." He said so we got changed and went to this indoor swimming place which was awesome it had like water roller coasters And they were really fun, we stayed they for about 2 hours then we got dressed and went to this make your own ice cream factory and you could use really random and crazy flavors and add whatever candy you want it was so fun but me and Nash got asked to leave because we kept putting ice cream on each other and it was really funny, Nash missed the alarm I saved for him but I didn't mind he'd sure find it sooner or later.

We stayed out all day and just walked around and went in places and it was really fun.

At 5pm we went up to our room for a while before having dinner, I had a shower then washed and dried my hair it was good because the room came with a provided hair dryer.

I finished in the shower and came out, I was sitting on the bed on Nash's phone because he said I could go on it, I had just my towel around me because I was waiting to get dressed,

"You smell so good." Nash came and hugged me from behind and leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you baby." I smiled and pulled him closer.

"And that towel looks good on you." He told me. "But it would look better on the floor.

I knew that Nash was biting his bottom lip so I slowly turned around to face him where he didn't have his shirt on which made me bite my bottom lip.

"Tease." He said deeply and i smiled.

"Lie down." He told me so I did, he leaned down over me and dropped hisself slowly down.

"Tease." I said and he smirked, he leaned down closer to me and starred into my brown eyes and I bit my bottom lip but I didn't say anything, I could slowly feel the need to have him building as he starred down at me with so much sexiness, I knew what was gonna come out of this anyway and I wasn't gonna stop whatever he wanted to do, he stayed on one hand while he ran his other hand through his hair which just made the need build up even more.

"Nash." I said hoping that he would make a move, he smirked.

"Say it keely,say it so I know that you want me baby." He said deeply with his tooth still resting firmly on his bottom lip.

"I want you so bad." I moaned and I could tell that he knew that, he slowly leaned down and kissed me softly I kissed back and tugged at his hair making him groan silently, he pulled away for a second looked at me with his blue eyes now darker filled with lust.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked seductively, I smirked and got from under him, I lay him down and leaned down to kiss him but before I did he put his finger on my lip.

"No teasing." He warned which made me smile I leaned down and kissed him softly and he deepened it, I licked his bottom lip and he traced over it with his tongue, I kissed his neck and sucked on his sweet causing him to shiver, I placed kisses down his abs then stopped at his pants line, I looked up at him and smirked.

"Be very very careful here,I could make you pay so bad." Nash warned me.

I took of his pants slowly and I was gonna tease him but then I had this sudden urge from his moans making me want him so I kissed back up and tugged at his bottom lip before kissing him roughly.
He turned us over so that I was under him and he slowly untied my towel and dropped it on the floor, he looked me up and down but I didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Look at that, now doesn't that towel look so much better on the floor." He joked.

"Mm yeah." I giggled he smiled then leaned down and kissed me softly I kissed back and he moaned suddenly but I didn't do anything.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Your so fucking hot." He said deeply.

When he cursed it turned me on more because then I could feel his need for me and even thought he was on top I couldn't wait any longer I really needed him.

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah are you ready?" He asked me.

"Mmm come on." I said and he smirked, he leaned down and kissed me softly as he pushed hisself into me then he started groaning quietly, I pulled him closer to me and he moaned loudly.

"Faster baby." I moaned quietly and he quickened his pace and i bit my bottom lip.

"You can moan here baby, no one will know." Nash said deeply so I moaned.

"Oh my god your so fucking good." I moaned and Nash leaned down and kissed my neck, he sucked on my sweet spot making me moan louder.

"Fuck Nash on gonna cum." I moaned loudly, he leaned back up and kissed me softly then pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Fuck Cum for me baby." He moaned.

"Cum too." I moaned and he nodded, he quickened his pace then slowed down and went extra hard the last two times.

"Fuck you there?" He moaned and I nodded and we came together he kissed me softly as he rode out his high then he moaned one last time and fell on top of me but he wasn't heavy, he hugged me tight and was breathing heavily.

"I love you." He said and he kissed my cheek then lay next to me.

"I love you too my boy." I smiled, nash hugged me up to him and we slept for a while then at 6:30pm we showered properly and went and got dinner.

After dinner it was 8pm so we went back to our room.

"Nash." I said.

"Yeah babe." He answered.

"Shouldn't we pack our stuff I mean we go back to Cali tomorrow." I suggested and he stood up.

"Yeah come on then it won't take long." He said so we got all out stuff ready and Organized for going home then when we finished it was 8:30pm so it didn't take long but we went to bed as our flight was at 10am so we'd have to be up early.

A/N thanks for reading I'm really happy 😊😊😊 love you guys so I hope you liked the chapter I'll update soon 💕

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