Chapter 16 im gonna try.

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Me and Nash are on the edge of breaking up, we just annoy each other and piss each other off all the time and everything the one does isn't right for the other and things aren't so good, we seem to be arguing a lot too but it's not just over every little thing like it normally is it is about genuine things that aren't being done and stuff like that.

I told Nash that I was going out and I told him to tidy up around the place and feed Oaka,he wasn't really paying attention but he said that he would do it.

I went out, I was gone about 2 hours and when I came back the place was an even bigger mess than it was before.

"Nash I told you to tidy up not make it more of a mess." I said trying not to be in a mood.

"I'll do it now babe." He said and got up to begin to tidy up.

"JUST forget it, I'll do it." I said but he said no.

"I'll do it you just do whatever you need to do babe." He told me.


"Don't shout at me, I said I will do it and I am." He explained.

"I meant before I came back Not when I come back seriously just fucking move and I'll do it." I said in a mood.

"Don't curse at me I'm doing it no-"

"NASH JUST FUCK OFF AND LET ME DO IT WILL YOU!" I yelled at him and he threw what he picked up on the floor and stormed off.

"Can't do Anything right." He said.

I eventually tidied up and I was so angry, Oaka started to cry and I went to feed her, when I went in her room Nash already doing it, he looked up at me and smiled and I just walked away, after He had fed Oaka he came to find me.

"I am trying babe, I really am but I just can't do anything right." He said more sad than angry.

"I asked you to do one simple thing Nash and you couldn't even do that." I answered moodily.

"I'm trying my best but your don't seem to be helping me here." He explained.

"Me help you, what on earth do you need help with?" I asked typically.

"THIS RELATIONSHIP." He said angrily.
"It's like you don't even care I'm trying to save us before it's too late." He started to tear up.

"I'm trying so don't cry to me Nash you just need to do things when I ask you." I said.

"It's not about the fucking tidying up, oh do you know what just forget it I'm not arguing anymore." He huffed and walked away.

I know it was about the relationship am I know I've got to try but I'm slowly giving up nothing seems to be going right anymore but for the time being I'll try I really will for us and for Oaka because me and Nash both agreed we didn't want our kids growing up and being the kids going to school and saying to their friends "I'm going to my dad's today" or "I'm going to my moms today" we were always goin to stick together and hopefully it will stay tht way.

A/N things are getting worse but will they get better keep reading to find out
I'll update later 💕
Bye LUVS 💕

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