Chapter 35

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1month later READ NOTE AT END!

I woke up and got up Oaka, I decided that I wanted to go and post the divorce papers and get it over with.

I fed Oaka then got her dressed and got myself dressed then I called jay to see of he wanted to come.
(J-jay k-keely)

J-hey babe you okay?

K-hey yeah are you?

J-yeah fine what have you called for?

K-I just wondered if you wanted to come out with me and Oaka.

J-yeah of corse where we going?

K-just on a walk so that I can post these divorce papers then we could walk around for a while of you want?

J-yeah okay I'll come to yours now.

K-okay bye

J-bye I love you

K-you too baby bye.
(End of covo)

I put my shoes and my jacket on and
I still dress like Nash even now but I guess some things never change.

Jay came and I opened the door where he hugged me.

"Are you okay babe?" He asked.

"Yeah good thanks." I smiled.

"Okay let's go." He said so I got Oaka then we left

When we were walking we passed Starbucks.

"I still remember that day." Jay smiled.

"Jay your acting like it was years ago." I laughed.

"I know it's been 7 months but it seems like years." He smiled

"Yeah but 7 months is a lot I mean Nash has been gone 8 months and to me that's ages." I explained.

"Yeah it is it's nearly a year babe." Jay said and I nodded.

We carried on walking and we came to a park.

"We should go to the park for a while." Jay suggested.

"Okay let's go." I said.

We sat on the swing and I sat Oaka on my lap where she clapped an laughed.

"She looks so much like you but with her dad's eyes." Jay said.

"I know right it's amazing." I smiled.

"Yeah it is." He smiled back.

We stayed at the park for a while then I wanted to go and post the divorce papers before it got dark although it was only 2pm and it doesn't really get dark until like 7pm here but I guess I just wanted to post them and not think about it.

We started walking and we came to a path near the post place, I was carrying Oaka and jay was walking next to me then someone was walking towards, they were walking at a normal pace and as they got closer there was something about them, something familiar about the way they were dressed it was an different but sexy style, they got closer and it was a guy he ran his hand through his brown quaffed hair with the blonde tips and he had his head down then when he got to us he stopped and looked up there it was the beautiful blue eyes I hadn't seen in so long.

"Nash." I said.

A/N HOPE YOU LIKED THE STORY, book 4 coming tomorrow so look out for that!!!
As always guys thanks for reading I love you guys and all your enthusiastic comments

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