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Hey everyone who reads this! :)
Okay. Is it just me or is the order of my story weird? Please comment on this note and tell me what order the story is in as you see it. I put the story in my library so I could be able to see what everyone else sees. But when I look at it in my library, I think it's goes chapter 6, then 5, then 7, then 8. Is that how it goes for you guys, too? It goes normally in the place where I create it. I don't want you guys to read my story and be confused because the story is out of order. I apologize for it being out of order of it is. Nobody has said anything but I'm not sure if it is in the correct order as I have written it. I don't know how I could possibly fix it, so I am truly sorry I will keep working on it though.

I also apologize for not updating my story in several months. I haven't exactly been busy. I just kept forgetting about it. I will try to start updating more often.

P. S. : In chapter 8, I had written that Sloane said that she loved Dylan as much as she loves Kpop. I meant to, but I forgot to say that Kpop is Korean Pop music. I know that not many people know what it is, so I figured that if I don't say what it is, people might get confused. I said Kpop because that is the type of music I listen to even though I have no Korean decent of any kind that I know of. I am American but for some reason, I enjoy listening to Kpop music. You don't have to look them up, but if you want to you can. Here is a shortened list of my TOP favorite Kpop bands:
EXO (M and K)
Akdong Musician
There are more but if I lost them all this would be the longest note to ever exist. :)

I want to thank everyone who reads this story. I am very proud of how many people have seen/read this story. So far I think it says 2.61K people have at least viewed it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :)

Also, you guys can message me if you want. I will respond as soon as I possibly can. :) And if you follow me I will follow back. I'm not asking for followers I don't need them but if you decide to that's totally fine just know I will follow back! :)


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