Chapter 12

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*A week later*

Jessica Olson has laid off of me for quite a while now but it seems as if other girls are getting mad at me for "stealing their man" when he wasn't theirs in the first place.

Anyways, I swear I think Dylan keeps getting jealous of the guys of EXO. I think he thinks that I love them more than love him even though I told him jokingly that I love him as much as I love them. He fully knows how much I love him. He has no legitimate motive of being jealous.

I keep getting my own fan mail attached to his from "fans." I can't believe it. I actually have fans. But how? I thought people didn't like us being together. So I decided to search "Sloane Hastings and Dylan Dauzat." I was shocked at the image results. People had taken pictures of us together out in public and edited them to have little stickers that say "cute couple" or our ship name, "Dyloane." "DYLAN!!!" I yelled unnecessarily loud. "WHAT'S WRONG??" he asked panicking as he ran into the room sliding on the floor because of his socks when he attempted to stop. "We have a ship name!!" I said happily. "You made me panic and almost fall on my butt for that?" he asked. "Yupp," I said smiling.

I decided that I was going to start opening my fan mail so I can respond to as many people I possibly could.

In some of my "fan mail," people have sent these amazing drawings of me. They have real talent. I have always been the type of person that always wants to be as nice as possible, so I have always thought that if I become famous and get fan mail, I will mail reply letters back to each and every person no matter how long it takes. I have decided to do that. For the people who just send random cool things like candy or stuffed bears I will send a thank you letter and possibly find one or two things to send back to them. For the people who send me drawings, good or bad, I will send them a thank you note and in it, I will ask that person to send a picture of them, good or bad since I don't like to judge people, and I will draw them and send it back. Im not exactly sure if that is considered nice enough, but it is in my dictionary. In my dictionary, nice means to do things for other people to make them happy or at least smile even a little, but large things are not necessary because some people like the smaller things better. Dylan always thinks that buying my large, expensive things will make me happy, but I have informed him many times that I am the type of person that doesn't need her boyfriend to constantly buy her things to keep her happy. I am happy just being with him. So, whenever he buys me things expensive or not, I scold him and tell him that he doesn't have to do that. Whenever I do that, though, he always says that I'm his girlfriend and he wants to be able to spoil me. I mean, it's sweet how he thinks that, but I'm pretty much already spoiled. I have food, shelter, and water, which many people SHOULD have, but I also have plenty more than that. I don't need more fancy, nice things to add to my collection. Honestly, I would be happy to live like Ariel, the little mermaid, where she has junk, but she is perfectly happy with it.

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