Chapter 7

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I'm back at school after being suspended. During those three days that I was suspended, Dylan skipped school just to stay with me. He's so sweet.

My parents got back on Tuesday which was two days ago. It's now Friday.

Jessica and her group of friends keep whispering about me. I'm at home after my first day of getting dramatically scolded for beating up a girl who destroyed my house just because Dylan wanted to be with me more than he wanted to be with her. Some people cheered for me because I stood up to her. It made me feel awesome.

I'm not really shy or awkward anymore. People who think that I'm cool for doing those things are now my friends. I think I might have more friends than Jessica. The only mildly bad thing is that guys that watched the fight now flirt with me continuously because they like "tough, strong girls. " Whenever someone says that I'm like, "You're joking, right?" I wish you could see their faces.

I just recently joined the dance team. I know what you're thinking. "How could they let her into the dance team?" Well I got into the team because that was only my first time getting in trouble in my entire school career, but since I beat someone up they had to suspend me anyways. But I love dance team. I get to dance in all genres. I especially love dancing to rap, electronic, or fast-paced music. It looks cool, too. I love dancing like Chaci Gonzales (if that's how you spell her name). I think she is incredibly talented. Dylan always begs me to let him go with me to dance practice to "witness the glory of my awesome dancing." So he comes with me to dance practice. He always cheers me on adorably whenever I hit a move just right. It messes me up since he does it randomly and loudly, so it scares me really badly and it makes me stumble. I always look back at him annoyed and he makes the cutest "oh no she gon' whoop me now" face.

During dance class today, whenever it was someone else's turn to dance I would sit with Dylan and hold his hand. "Hey Dyl, you know that song that I like called 'Growl' by that k-pop band Exo?" I asked him. "Yeah. That song is weird, but it's got a nice beat to it. Why?" he said laughing. "Well, do you think it would be a good song to try to get everyone to dance to? Like, ask the captain if we could do that song and do the choreography from the music video?" I asked awkwardly. "Babe, you're a genius. That's a great idea," he yelled. "What about 'Overdose' by them, too?" I asked giggling. "Yes! Do that song too!!" he yelled again. "Yay! I'll be back. I'm gonna go ask them," I yelled.

"Hey Amelia? Can I ask you a question?" I asked Amelia, the team captain, nervously. "Of course! Is it another amazing suggestion for a dance?" she said enthusiastically. "Yes, it is! Uhmm I was wondering if we could do 'Growl' and 'Overdose' by Exo? The songs are in Korean, I think. But they have great beats that we could easily dance to. In their music videos for those songs, they do amazing dancing like what we usually do. Maybe we could do them?" I asked. "Do you have them on your iPod so I can hear them?" she asked. "Yeah. Here is 'Growl'," I said as I played 'Growl'. After that song was over I played 'Overdose'. She actually loved them. "Oh my gosh! We absolutely have to do those songs now!" she said happily. Dylan heard and ran to me as if he were a track runner and picked me up and spun me. All of the people in the group (there are guys and girls) stood there like "Awwww!" We both laughed.

We kept watching the music videos to those songs and practiced the moves constantly. Since dance practice took two hours and we got out of school at 3:30, I didn't get much free time, so any free time I had I would spend it with Dylan.

*After performing the dance at school games and assemblies many times*

"Okay guys! I have AMAZING news!" she said like a billion times happier than usual, and she was a pretty happy girl. "Because of us performing with the songs and choreography that Sloane showed us, WE WERE CHOSEN TO COMPETE IN A DANCE COMPETITION!!!!" "OH MY GOSH!! Are you sure it was because of me? Because I think it's because of everyone being amazing dancers," I said overly excited. Dylan was in the back sitting on the bleachers in the gym since that's were we had practice screaming and yelling because he was so happy for us. It didn't sound all that loud even though he was yelling at the top of his lungs because there was a mistake in team practice schedules, so we were in the gym with the basketball players. Oh, how I hate the sound of screeching shoes as I'm trying to talk. Hahah.

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