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Jisung reclines onto his chair, exhausted as he piled all the papers neatly, sliding them into a plastic file

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Jisung reclines onto his chair, exhausted as he piled all the papers neatly, sliding them into a plastic file. He then throws in his pencil case, followed by his laptop. Jisung lazily got up from his amazingly comfortable chair, groaning as he realised how sore his leg were from sitting for so damn long. Minho, by the way has already drifted off to dreamland on Jisung's poor bed.

It was a school holiday, and thank god it was for Jisung as he was practically on the verge of passing out from exhaustion, however he still had tuition with the aussie boy. He was weirdly looking forward to it eventhough he had to go through the torture of all the practise papers. " i swear, if he's not satisfied with all these, im bringing Minho with me to slap his ass to jupiter cuz i know i  don't have the balls to" Jisung mumbles under his breath as he heard a faint "yes" from the sleeping elder.

" at least he agreed" Jisung shrugs, checking the time as he took note that he had a few more minutes left before he needed to leave the house.

He fished out a random sticky note, grabbing the first pen he saw as he scribbled down a quick note that he left for tuition and didn't want to wake the sleeping minho up.


minho HYUNG , I left for tuition with annoying Felix earlier today and I didn't want to wake you up since IM VERY KIND. I left some pancakes at the dining table, remember to eat them or my heart will break. :(  anyways,thanks for staying over and helping me with english, love ya hyung !! <3


" good enough, he better eat them or Im throwing hands" Jisung huffs as he stuck the note onto Minho's phone screen since he was 100% sure it would be the first thing the elder sees when he wakes up.

" times up, gotta go" Jisung taps his watch as he dashed out of the house and towards the same library.

He opened the door as he scanned the area, no signs of the freckled boy.

" Jisung" he jumped up as he heard his name being called. He reconised the deep ass voice almost instantly as he wasted no time in greeting the younger. " hey lix" he winks as he flirts. " stop it" Felix mumbles with a faint blush. He couldn't deny that 'lix' was an adorable pet name. He then dragged the latter towards the same room, struggling to hide his annoyingly tainted cheeks.

" the papers?" Felix stated as he watches Jisung pull out the stack of papers out of his plastic file which somehow managed to hold all of it without breaking into a million pieces.

" you actually did them all" Felix wows at the fully completed practise papers he gave. " I didn't really expect you to even do one of them, Jisung, you're improving. Majority of your answers are correct, well done." Felix complimemts, making a smile spread across Jisung's glossy lips. " Thanks"

" I was actually thinking of dividing all the papers into a week but since you've done them all, I guess your free. Just pay attention and you're practically good to go." Felix softly chuckles, it was music to Jisung's ears as his heart went into overdrive.

" so....." Felix soon started the lesson, marking and explaining the answers of the practise papers Jisung had done with full effort. To his surprise, Jisung was actually focused and paid close attention. "Maybe Minho hyung was right, just imagine Felix's face was his" Jisung almost bursted out laughing at the ridiculous thought as he diverted his attention back to what the aussie was saying.

" and thats it for today's lesson." Felix says tiredly as he stacked up his teaching materials, stuffing them into his backpack. Felix fished out his baby blue water bottle from his bag's side pocket, gluping the water down.

Jisung took the rare oppotunity of Felix not leaving right after lesson to ask him out. " Felix, wanna grab a drink at the cafe?" Jisung asks confidently as the freckled boy almost choked on his water. " are you asking me out?" He asks emotionlessly. " You decide lix" Jisung winks, making Felix roll his eyes. " nope" Felix replies without much thought as he turned away from the latter, marching out of the room as he once again, left Jisung dumbfounded.

" Did I cheat on him in our previous lives? jeez" Jisung sighs, picking up his things before leaving the room as well, dragging his feet back to his house.

He was caught off guard as he reconises the pair of shoes sitting at his door step. " Minho?" Jisung calls out, knocking the door which flung open in an instant. " JiJi!" Minho pulled the younger in as he engulfed him into a big bear hug. " dude, i was gone for just two hours" Jisung chuckles, lightly releasing himself from the elder. " Thanks for the pancakes, they were delicious and by the way, im kinda shocked you didn't burn down the kitchen. Wow" Minho says as if teasing was an actual langauge, picking up his pace as he knew Jisung would start running after him to probably smack him to some random planet.

" YAH LEE MINHO!! ....actually, im too lazy to run" Jisung laughs, lazily dropping himself onto the couch as he slowly closed his eyes. " good night even though its afternoon sung" He heard a giggling Minho whisper before he entered dreamland.

Jisung yawns as he flung his hands everywhere in search of a rectangular object. " looking for this?" He heard Minho's voice as he immediately look up, nodding as he caught his phone. Jisung mumbled a quick " thanks" before entering his password.

He entered whatsapp as his eyes buldged out the moment he saw all his chats and groupchats being flooded. " and welp, forgot to warn you about that" Minho laughs as he sat down beside the younger. " what happened tho" Jisung asks, filled with curiousity. " basically, Seungmin got a boyfriend and everyone's freaking out" Minho explained in the simplest way as it was Jisung's turn to freak out.

" wait WHAT, how did he manage to get a boyfriend before me, unfair" Jisung pouted as he huffs cutely, earning a soft chuckle from the boy next to him. " Patience my dear"

" what's his name anyway" Jisung added, confused since he only knew that Seungmin was close to him and Minho. There wasn't really anyone else he was super close to, to start a relationship with.

" oh his name is Hyunjean, hyun? Hyunjon? Hyunin? Hyunonion? Hyunjin? Ah yes!! Hyunjin." Minho laughs awkwardly. " Hyunjin? I've never heard of that name before. Is he new?" Jisung asks, trying to recall a hyunjin from his school or class but to no avail.

" I heard from Seungs that he's from some random online chatting platform and somehow started dating. They looked so in love though, i almost puked my lunch out seeing them video call by the way" Minho mentally ewed as he remembered his poor eyes witnessing some cheesy stuff when he was hanging out with Seungmin who was on facetime with his new boyfriend.

" Hope to meet him someday, anyways, how was today's session with Fel? Or was it Feloisnsnx?"

" remind me to never tell you anyone's name"

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