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" where are you going this early?" Chan tiredly rubbed his eyes as he spotted a (wild pokemon!) dressed up Jisung who was stuffing donut sticks into his mouth in a rush. " tUiTIoNnBejsj" he says while chewing. " oh to meet your boyfriend? I see I see, pay attention! " Chan waves as he stumbled back upstairs to sleep a little more.

Jisung was elated to meet his smol freckled boy again eventhough it has only been a few hours since he last saw him. He once again checked the time to make sure he wasn't late and happily skipped out of the house. Just when he exited through the door, his eyes widened. " FUCK I FORGOT I SLEPT OVER AT CHAN'S WJJZSJJZJSKS" He exclaims, face palming as he realised how far Chan's house was from JYP library. " dang it" Jisung mumbles.

" welps" he sighs, opening his "grab" app before keying in the addresses and time slot. Once done, he checked the price. Humming in satisfaction, he clicked the "book now" button before squatting near the gate, waiting for his ride which would take a minute or two to arrive.

" yes!" Jisung fist bumps the air, happy to see the car he would be taking. "Han Jisung?" The driver read out from his phone screen. " yep that's me!" Jisung smiled widely, passing the driver some dollar notes before reclining against the headrest. The ride was pretty quick although Chan's house was a distance from JYP library.

" is this the correct destination sir?" The driver politely asked. " yes!" Jisung grinned, looking out of the window as his eyes sparkled upon seeing the big " JYP" logo on the top of the building. "Byebye! Have a nice day sir!" Jisung shot the driver a final smile before getting out of the car, checking his watch one more time. He had a few minutes left as he picked up the pace and walked into the building.

His heart bounced when he looks left and right in search of the freckled boy he missed. "Sungie" he heard his favourite deep voice behind him as he turned around, pulling Felix into a big bear hug. "Did you seriously miss me that much Ji" Felix chuckles while lightly pushing Jisung away. "Actually, I missed you too" Felix laughed at Jisung's red face. " lets head in" Felix smiles, eyes turning into crescents as he pulled a giddy Jisung with him.

"I know im attractive and all but you are having your finals literally next week so pay attention you squirrel headass fish with 6 legs" Felix flicked Jisung's forehead, earning a loud " ouch" from the elder. " dramatic much" Felix tsked, flipping open his computer as he taught Jisung as much as he could in their session.

"And that's pretty much it. We have around three sessions left before your finals so study or ill slap you" Felix smiles, warming the cockles of Jisung's heart. " cutie" Jisung whispers.

" lets go" Felix suddenly stood up, ruffling the elder's hair. " coffee?" Jisung's eyes lit up as he asked the freckled boy. " Sure" Felix grins. " finally you agreed to my date~" Jisung sang, jumping up from his seat as he skipped towards the cafe. " Since when did i say this was a date-" Felix sighs, "I guess it is now" He added while shaking his head, a smile visible on his face.

Felix caught up with Jisung as they ordered iced americanos with chocolate cakes for each of them. "You look like a squirrel" Felix blurts out as he watched how Jisung's cheeks would puff up whenever he stuffed more cake into his mouth. " thanks?" Jisung chuckles before gobbling down the final piece of cake he had left.  " delicious" Jisung smiles, his cravings satisfied.

" are you coming to Chan's?" Jisung nudged the younger while they were preparing to leave the cafe. " yups, im sleeping over with the rest of the group, you?" Felix asked, grabbing his oversized hoodie. " Same here, lets go?" Jisung gestured Felix to go first.

" Ill pay" Jisung whispers into Felix's ear, catching him by surprise while handing the cashier some notes and coins. " have a nice day" The cashier bows before attending to the next customer.

" t-thanks" Felix shyly mumbles while fumbling nervously with his fingers. "Shy Felix is a rare sight, adorable tho" Jisung giggles, booking another grab ride back to Chan's house. And to his surprise, it was the same driver.

" oh sir its you again! Where to?" The driver politely asked while setting up the GPS. "The same location" Jisung smiles, showing Chan's address. " okay, Ill give you a small discount too sir" The driver smiles. " oh no you don't have to" Jisung's eyes widened but was grateful. " no worries" the driver smiled back, starting the engine as he drove them away.

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