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And that was why Felix was now lazily getting ready for their outing while regretting his own decisions. "why did i even agree" Felix sighs as he runs his fingers through his shaggy hair. He was about to slip on his shoes when his phone started ringing. *chan*

" yeah chan?" Felix says as he held his phone inbetween his shoulder and ear while slipping on his vans. " Im already here!" Chan says excitedly through the line. Felix's eyes widened in shock " that quick?!" Felix exclaims, almost dropping his phone.

" no worries mate! Take you're time, i just happened to reach here earlier than expected hehe" Chan says. Felix hummed as the call came to an end. He looked out of his window as he spotted a white car. Assuming it was Chan's car, he picked up thr pace of getting ready, not forgetting to slide on a black beanie since he hair was in a mess.

Felix took a long, deep breath as he exhaled, calming himself down before meeting them.

" Jisung Jisung Jisung" he clicked his tongue, "why do i have to see you everyday" he added.

Felix hurries down the stairs hastily , almost tripping but he didn't break a bone so its all good. " chan hyung!" Felix calls out as he knocks on the car's window. When he looked inside, he was shook by the elder's handsomeness. " oh Felix! Nice to meet you~lets go get the others!" Chan smiles sweetly as Felix sat in the passenger's seat beside. " who are we meeting next?" Felix asks curiously.

" Changbin probably since he lives surprisingly near you. Around 4 to 5 blocks away"( idk bout yall but in my country, 5 blocks is really short!) The freckled boy nods as he plugged in his earpiece.

" Chan hyung! oh and you must be Felix!" Changbin smiles as he sat right behind them in the nine seat vehicle. "Hey, changbin?" Felix shyly replies, fumbling nervously with his fingers. He didn't like socialing and meeting 5 literal strangers today wasn't helping at all.

" Hyunjin and seungmin, then Minsung" Chan announces, setting off to the next building.

" minsung?" Felix tilted his head as he turned behind to face Changbin. " Oh minsung! Its Minho and Jisung, we just combined their names together, we ain't shipping them tho! " changbin smiles as Felix made an 'O' shape with his mouth.

" Chan hyung! Changbin hyung! Lix!" Hyunjin bounced up and down enthusiastically, excited to meet the rest. " yo Jinnie" Felix did a peace sign as waved at the boy next to him. " hey....seungmin?" Felix digged his brain for their names as he watches how a fond smile form on Seungmin's lips. " thats me!"

" oh god Jisung's next am i right" Felix groans, annoyed. "Did he bully you? Or something, why do u hate him to guts dude" Hyunjin asks as he looked at the freckled boy. " nah, he's just plain annoying" Felix shrugs. " Just get used to him and i bet, you will love him" Seungmin winks teasingly, reclining on the chair as he leaned on Hyunjin's shoulder.

" i wont" Felix stated, unyieding to Seungmin's words.

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