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"shit" Jisung cursed the moment he read the first question of the english paper. "What the heck even is this?!" He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, pulling on the ends as he groans, stressed out. Jisung looked up from the white sheet of paper as his eyes darted around the classroom. Everyone was focused and probably already knew the answer.

" im screwed" Jisung sighs, focusing his attention back to the brain crushing questions as he wrote random answers which made no utter sense but at least, it wasn't blank.

" okay.....and time's up! Please stop writing and flip your paper to the front page. I will be going around to collect them. No talking." The examiner announced as she firmly states each instruction.

She reaches Jisung's desk as she snatched the poorly done paper out of his hands, slotting it with the rest of the papers before whirling around and storming out of the classroom.

As soon as her high heels were out of the classroom, the class erupted into chaos. Answers were being shouted across the classroom as if Jisung even wrote one. Even if he did, it most certainly wouldn't be correct.

" Definitely not going to pass, heck i don't even think i can get above 10!" Jisung sighs as Minho, one of his best friends hurried over to him. "Come onnnnnn! Have some confidence will ya? Im doubting you would fail" Minho asserted as he swung an arm around the younger's shoulders.

" seriously?" Jisung scoffed in disbelief, unyeilding to the elder's words" I couldn't even answer a single question! In addition, have i ever passed English?" He added, crossing his arms in distaste. "Relax, even if you fail, you can improve and pass next time right sung?" Minho chuckles before opening his mouth to speak again. "Lets just head over to the cafeteria and get you a coffee" Minho suggested, dragging the sluggish younger towards the cafeteria, not taking no as an answer.

-> hey dearies!! Yes this book is finally published after working on it for a while now ! Hope you enjoy reading this and also my other books ^^ also, what do you think about his chapter ? hehhe :>

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