Part 6: A Long Way From Home

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Part 6: A Long Way From Home

The Doctor leaned against the console with a sad expression on his face. He had heard the words you said in your sleep, and he knew the danger was far from over. He watched you while you were sleeping without you knowing. You seemed serene and calm, like the child the Doctor had met those many years ago. If only he could turn back the years, and set things right, if only Daleks didn't exist, so many would still be alive. In his time, he stopped them, but at a great cost. His people were gone now, and time kept on turning. If he dare look back, then he would see all the destruction he had left in his wake.

No, forward was better. Rose was gone. How many times could he make the same mistakes? How many times would he be standing there over a limp, dying body? Just how many times would he ruin everything miraculous he set his eyes on. No, this time was different. He would save Ava, or he was done. Just this time, he wouldn't break her, and he wouldn't watch her die. The Doctor was determined this time.

"What happened?" You squint at what seems to be the interior of the Tardis.

You rise slowly, and acknowledge your surroundings. The Tardis was stationary, and shining its brilliant blue light from its core. There is a tingling pain remaining at the back of your head, but you ignore it. It probably was just residual from the Cybermen psychic link. Nevertheless, your hand flies to the back of your head and feels the tender spots.

The Doctor smiles softly as he walks over to the side of the console facing you. There still is a hint of sadness in his brown eyes, but his tone does not reflect on it. He seems just like himself as he begins to go into his ranting mode.

"You don't remember? Well, you were brilliant! Just like I said you would be! And don't let anyone tell you differently. The Cybermen were blown to pieces from your brain, you flooded them with your emotions, and they just couldn't handle it. So, what do they do? They abort, they end their lives, overload, sayonara! Sayonara! I like that word! Not so long, farewell, sayonara! It does have a ring to it, doesn't it? Anyway, bang! Kaput! They were gone," he exclaimed as he paced around the Tardis jumping around in his excitement.

When you continue to watch him strangely, he stops walking and goes back over to the console.

He sure is a strange man. The Doctor seems to get off on this, I wonder what will he do the day when the world decides not to come to an end. He'll probably go insane, maybe he already has. He's lost many. I wonder how he can bear it. The Doctor is the last soldier waiting at the battlefield for a fight. What he wants, no one knows. Who he is, no one will ever know. The man is a stranger, and he is a long way from home.

"How can you bear it?" You stand up slowly, and lean against one of the pillars. Your head is still throbbing, and it pains you to breathe, but you saved him.

How many can say they've saved the Doctor?

"What? Ava?" His eyes rest on you curiously.

"The pain of it all, The Time War, Rose, and my mother? When will you stop?" Your voice trembles as you pull your hands to your forehead slowly.

"Ava, how did you know that? I never mentioned anything about myself. Look, it doesn't matter. Probably residual knowledge from the Cybermen database, it's in their hardrive." For a moment, he comes close to you and looks at you like you are an absolute stranger. No, a dangerous stranger. His eyes turn cold, and widen in disbelief, and then his face just reverts back to its former state.

Not a word, not a sentence, absolutely nothing. He turns back to the console, and pulls several levers before pressing many buttons, which all look exactly the same to you.

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