Slotting Into Place

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Heat is an odd thing, really, for both the Omega experiencing it and anyone who spends it with them. Society and biology have designated the roles for Alphas and Omega's, each with their purpose, and leading to an intended outcome.

Common acceptance is that heat is supposed to be endured. An Omega gets through a heat, they don't enjoy it. A good heat is a quick heat, an efficient series of actions and reactions that are meant to facilitate impregnation. That's what the books say, what the teachers say, what history says.

Louis thinks that's a pile of bullshit.

Heat is fundamentally a sexual activity, a shared intimacy, scents and slick and behaviours designed to attract a partner. And whilst yes, Louis agrees that the primary purpose is for breeding, it isn't the only purpose. Sex and heat are intrinsically linked and people derive more than just a means to an end from sex, so why, by extension, can't heat be more? The pleasure and joy and trust that can be felt between two partners is something that should be celebrated, not hidden away and deemed less important.

"Fuck, you smell so good, Lou," Harry says as he nuzzles into Louis' inner thigh, breathing deeply as he licks a stripe up and across his stomach, dipping into his belly button. Louis is a bit of writhing mess, sheets bunched under him and pillows strewn around the large bed, fingers gripping onto the headboard to hold himself in place instead of crawling up the walls.

He's well into the arousal phase now and unsure of exactly how much time has passed, but he's fairly certain it's been at least an hour. Harry has him worked up, ready and needy and aching and leaking so much slick that the towel beneath his arse is soaking. He's gotten him off twice already, once with his tongue and once with his fingers buried deep inside, Louis' cock enveloped in the warmth of Harry's mouth.

Harry's attentiveness and dedication have been admirable and not at all unexpected given how much he's doted on Louis all day. The practical aspects of satisfying his heat have been nothing short of amazing, but it's the in-between times that have been the most mind-blowing for Louis. The soothing whispers, the soft caresses, comfortable and safe, a calm and blissful happiness surrounding them even as the storm rages outside.

"Harry... nrrgh ," Louis whines, swiveling his hips, eyes glazed and vision foggy. He's still present, very much so in fact, just floating in their bubble. He wants so much, wants to feel Harry, to have him as close as physically possible. "Harry, need to feel full, please... "

"Yeah, Lou, okay..." Harry reaches down and shoves two fingers inside of Louis' dripping hole and Louis lets out a long sigh. It's good. Really good. Let's him catch his breath with the momentary relief of having something inside of him. He pushes against the headboard and grinds down onto Harry's fingers chasing the sensation, trying to get more. Not too much, just enough to make him feel sated.

Harry takes Louis cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the head and pressing on the sensitive underside, working over the protruding vein. He rubs the pads of his fingers against Louis' prostate incessantly, the engorged bundle of nerves tingling at his touch. Louis can feel himself rising higher to the crest of the wave with every second that passes.

"More, Harry. Please... more," Louis whimpers, almost out of his mind with need.

Harry pops off his cock, slurping and kissing down his shaft, hot breath sending shivers down Louis' spine. "Yeah, baby? You want more? I can do that, anything for you, anything," Harry says as Louis feels him add another finger, stretching his rim and easing Louis' walls wider to accommodate the three digits.

It's glorious and Louis' back arches off the covers, neck straining as he digs the back of his head into the pillow, chin reaching up towards the ceiling.

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