My Omega

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The smell of an open fire creeps into the edge of Louis' consciousness. He's warm, but not too warm. Comfortable, with a pleasant weight on his limbs, just as he'd described to Harry. He curls his toes and hums contentedly, burrowing down into the covers and scratching at his nose, not quite ready to open his eyes. His arse is damp and sticky, but not oozing, a firmness in his hole indicating that Harry has plugged him up. He really could get used to being taken care of like this.

He feels a hand on his forehead, brushing at his fringe. "You're like a little squirrel, all scrunchy and adorable," Harry murmurs, his hot breath caressing his cheek.

"Reckon you've sewn up the market on cute woodland creatures there, Bambi," Louis says and lets his eyelids flutter open. Harry is crouched down beside him, watching him as he comes to full consciousness.

"Dunno about that, Lou, most of the time you make a fairly convincing thumper, all happy and smiley and fidgeting with all that excess energy and mischief." Harry smiles at him, trailing his hand down Louis' cheek. "Or maybe you're more like Flower, all coy blushes and long eyelashes," Harry says as he lays his head on Louis' chest and gazes at him lovingly.

Louis chuckles and strokes Harry's curls. "Yeah, whatever you reckon, Disney Princess." Harry rolls his eyes as Louis takes in their surroundings. They're in the lounge, fire crackling and casting shadows over Harry's face. "You're so beautiful. Can't believe I got this lucky."

"And all it took was a cold, a blizzard trapping us in the middle of nowhere, and an untimely heat to get us together."

Louis laughs, Harry's head bouncing gently on his chest. "Yeah. That's all it took."

Harry sits up and takes Louis' hands, his expression turning more serious. "How are you feeling?"

"Good? Actually, really good." Louis stretches out his legs and rolls onto his side. "Although we really need to discuss this obsession you have for carrying me around," Louis chides goodnaturedly.

"You're so tiny though. Light as a feather. Could pop you right here in my pocket and take you with me everywhere," Harry says with a smirk, patting his chest where a breast pocket would be.

"Oi!" Louis says and brings Harry's hand to his mouth, nipping at his knuckles. "Who're you calling tiny? Fuck off, I'm big," Louis grumps, puffing out his chest.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Lou."

Louis stomach growls, audible even over the storm. "Hmmmmm... hungry."

"I made us some food," Harry says as he turns and nods towards a plate of cold meats, dried fruit, and bread on the coffee table. "It's not much..."

"It's perfect. Thank you. You're spoiling me."

"Nothing but the best for my..."

"Omega." Louis finishes for him, smiling shyly.

"Oh. So you remember that. Uhm... listen, I'm sorry if I overstepped, but I..."

"You haven't. You didn't. I want it. Want to be... I want to be your Omega."

Harry's face lights up like a beacon in the night. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. Of course. And I'd like you to be mine, as well."

"Fuck yes. God, Lou. Yes . A thousand times, yes."

Louis sits up and cups Harry's face, pulling him into a searing kiss. Passionate and tender and wonderful.

They break apart, giggling and smiling like the idiots they are. "So," Louis starts, seeking out Harry's gaze. "We're together, yeah? Partners?"

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