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One year later...

The overlander trundles along the winding road as it twists and turns around the mountainside through the valley. The sun is reflecting off the freshly fallen snow, clear blue skies above painting a perfect picture for their return to the chalet.

It's been an amazing year. Filled with adventures and love and so much happiness Louis sometimes wonders whether his heart will beat right out of his chest. And he knows that the man sitting next to him, holding his gloved hand tightly, is the reason. The love of his life. His present, his future, his everything.

Harry had followed him home on their first night back and they haven't been apart for a single night since. Louis had been fortunate to secure the senior accountant role at the sub-branch near Harry's uni, in fact, the company was absolutely thrilled to offer him the position. His expertise and proven track record allowing him to ascend to a management position within the first six months. Harry's studies continue, it's hard work but he has a dedication that Louis admires and he supports him however he can.

The 'I love you's' had fallen from their lips less than a week after they returned, both of them admitting they'd had to forcibly hold them in until they simply couldn't stop themselves. Their families embraced their relationship, as Louis knew they would. Liam, as it turns out, was perhaps the happiest of everyone, completely thrilled that his little brother and his best mate had found the loves of their lives.

But Louis and Harry are not the only ones who found love on that skiing trip. Liam, too, had found his one true love, Kayla, the Omega he met by chance at the airport. Now engaged, with their wedding just around the corner.

Harry, bless him, has been dropping hints the size of Range Rovers for the past few months indicating that he'd very much like to be following in their footsteps, like now . Louis finds it endlessly endearing and is quite enjoying stringing him along, but not for too much longer. This weekend at the chalet will mark their one year anniversary and the silver band inlaid with emeralds as bright and gorgeous as Harry's eyes might just be burning a hole in Louis' carry-on right at this very moment.

It hasn't all been smooth sailing, of course. Omega/Omega relationships are still not considered mainstream. But they've taken it all in their stride. The uni town, where they now live, providing them with a welcome and open-minded community, students and the younger generation being more progressive in their views. They may not yet be able to marry in the eyes of the law, but that won't stop Louis from asking, wild horses couldn't stop him from doing that, and he knows that the ceremony they'll share with their family and friends is sure to be just as important as any piece of paper.

Harry rests his head on Louis' shoulder as they round the final turn, the chalet coming into view, just as stunning as he remembers. He grips Harry's hand tighter, memories flooding back of their last visit. How it had started as just a lads weekend and ended with Louis finding the partner he will spend the rest of his life with.

The vehicle comes to a stop in the car park and it feels both like they were here yesterday, and also like they've been gone for years.

He turns to see Jamie jogging down the path and Niall launches out of his seat, flinging the cabin door open and leaping off the top step onto the gravel below. He runs up the path and leaps into his boyfriend's arms as Jamie spins them around, clinging to each other tightly. Niall had offered up a place for Jamie to stay when he visited the city a couple of months after their trip and things had progressed from there. They're ridiculously well-suited to each other, feeding off their joint energy and filling the world with laughter and mischief. But it's not easy for them, being apart so much, and Louis thanks his lucky stars that he and Harry are able to be together every day. He doesn't think he could cope if couldn't touch and kiss and breath in Harry's scent every night and every morning.

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