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::::::::::Kaitlyn's POV::::::::::

The nerve! These heros can't just come back and expect everything to be normal again. They left us to fend for ourselves and that's exactly what we did. They're are not taking this away from me. I'm a hero now. People rely on me.

"Miss Brown!" yelled my teacher snapping me out of thought.
"If you aren't paying attention, I'm assuming that you know how to answer this problem."

It take one look at the problem. [45/186 · 17.56%] (25x)/96 "Well, actually ma'am your assumption is correct."

Small laughs went through the room.

"Well then would you like to show the class," she challenged me.

"But of course ma'am," I said standing up and bowing making my classmates laugh even more.

I walked up to the board and began working and explaining, as I've done a lot now. It was a pretty simple problem for me, but the rest of the class watched in awe.

"And that's how you finish," I said putting the marker down.

Everyone looked towards the teacher for her to prove me right. She takes a look at it and then turns to me.

"Very good, Miss Brown. Please take your seat," she said and I nodded at her and did as I was told.
30 minutes later the bell rang at three o'clock and I practically ran out of the building.

And now that I think about it, I guess the Justice League has the right to keep an eye on us. I mean we are using their zeta tubes... without permission. But it's not like we're using them to deliver drugs.

I ran into an alley a few blocks down from the school. I went to the phone booth with 'out of order' written in big letters. They actully did a pretty good job of hiding it, but come on. It's written in English in the city of Taipei.

I got into the phone booth and took a few things out of my utility belt from my backpack and tinkered around a bit and suddenly I was being transported to Gotham.

Okay, even I have to admit that the idea of zeta tubes and people using them is pretty cool, but actually traveling using one is awful. It's like being sucked through a straw.

I entered Gotham through another alley about a quarter of a mile from Stephaine's school... and I was already late. I sprinted the whole way which is something I did on a normal basis now. Whether it be hero training or gymnastics training.

I finally made it the Gotham Academy's soccer fields. I arrived just before the first quarter started.

"Katy!" I heard a voice call. I whipped my head around to see Stephaine's friend, Tim (who I had become pretty good friends with), running towards me.

"You here to see Steph play?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said. "She wanted me to be here for the tornument. Why are you here mathlete?" I ask nudging him in the side.

"Bruce has a metting," he explained.

"I know what that feels like," I replied. "My dad is in meetings all the time."

"Your dad?" he asked.

"Well, yeah. I've never know anything else."

"Sorry. Didn't mean to over step my boundries," he apologized.

"No, no, it's okay. I get that question lot, actually," I said. Soon the awkward silence between us was deafening.

"Game's getting started," I said. "Let's go watch." I pulled him by the wrist and we sat down.




"Nice game!" I said as Stephaine walked off the field.

"Yeah, good job," Tim added.

"Hey Tim!" we all heard someone yell across te parking lot. We all turned around to see the person that I knew as Tim's brother.

Tim sighed, "Coming Dick!" he yelled. "Guss Bruce got held up... again. See you guys later." Just like that he was off across the parking lot.

Stephaine started starring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, are we going to save Gotham tonight or not," she replied.

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