My New Life

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Fun fact about me my favorite song from Nightcore is "The Sweet Life" video you above if you want to hear the song
(A/N I'm changing their age to 5 year olds because it doesn't make sense if they figured the whole thing out when they were four)

Naruko's POV

It has been three hours since I left the Uzukaze Compound, I waited till the whole village was asleep and then made my way to Ibiki-Oji san's house. "I wonder what Ibiki-Oji-san's first question to me will be?" I thought and surprisingly Kurama, the lazy fox that he is replied to my thought.

"His first question will probably why you left the compound but I think he'll already know the answer to that" Kurama said." Well I'm going to go back to sleep so don't bother me kit." I should've known that conversation was going to be short I thought sarcastically.

About thirty minutes later I arrive at my destination, Ibiki-Oji-san's house. Once I got there I made my way to the door and started to knock on the door.

Ibiki POV

It was probably three in the morning when I heard a knock at my door, so I very sleepily got up and made my way to the door. Once I opened the door I was surprised to see Naruko there with a bag and what looks like a storage seal on her arm." Hey Ibiki-Oji-san, is it ok if I stay here from now on?" She asked me with a hint of hope. "Sure thing kid but why aren't you at your own house she probably ran away from her house to get away from her 'mother'. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard her answer, "well I kind of ran away because I don't want to live in the same house as Kushina-san, but I didn't want to leave the to village even though they are horrible and mean to me." "Well ok come on in, you already know where the guest room is you can stay in there till I can prep you a proper room." I said to her, and I could see the happiness written all over face. "Well looks like I got one more mouth to feed in the morning." I thought to myself but was happy at Naruko's decision on not leaving the village.

TimeSkip morning Minato POV

When I woke up and looked over to my night stand I see a letter from Naruko laying there with a note "Father if you read this letter out loud or if Kushina even hears a single word of this letter your memory will be erased and you won't remember a thing about this letter, and I'm not joking and also Kushina can't open it, it needs your chakra to open up and the words will only be readable to you but to others it looks like messed up scribbling." "What is so important for only me to know that she didn't want Kushi-Chan to know about?" Well doesn't hurt to read it and see what she has to say."

Dear Tou-san
hey tou-san I'm leaving now I just wanted to say goodbye and that I'll love you even if I don't show it, don't show Kushina-san this or she will get mad and try to forcefully bring me back here"
your daughter

After I finished reading the small letter I thought it was a joke letter so I went to Naruko's room. "Hey Naruko nice trick with the letter but I know your still in there" I said but didn't get a response. I opened up her door and saw that the room was empty, no Naruko and none of her belongings were there but I also realized of how bad of a living space me and Kushina gave her. "I can't believe she left, and I can't believe that I didn't know how bad her room was" were the two thoughts that came to my mind. "Naruko I hope your safe out there." were the only words I could say, but I didn't feel the presence of one of my other children.

Menma POV

I'm just starting to wake up when I heard tou-San walking down the hallway, up earlier than he would normally get up for work. So after a little debate in my head I decided to follow him to see where he was going. After I catch up I see him stop in front of a room that I didn't know was there "where did this room come from?" I questioned myself. But then I saw tou-San open the door and I could see him slump in down, so I got curious why he looked a little depressed so I moved forward a bit more to see why he looked down, when I heard these words "I hope your safe out there Naruko" once I heard these words I went up to tou-san, "Hey dad why are you so down and why are you worried about Naruko?" Yes I know Naruko is my sister and I've known ever since our second birthday when I heard her say "happy birthday otouto and imouto." that was when I put the pieces of the whole puzzle together that me, Mito and Naruko are triplets but were told that Naruko was the daughter of a family member that was killed the day of the Kyubi attack and that she gave birth to Naruko that same day. It's not like I hate her or anything, it's just that I can't bring myself to apologize to her and kaa-san keeps telling me and Mito to beat her up also. Which got me wondering why she said 'also' so I followed Naruko that day to figure out why kaa-san would say 'also' but when I turned a corner to find her I saw something that made me feel hate towards the villagers. They were beating up Naruko and I even saw two Kunais imbedded in both her hands so she can't move and all I could do was watch in horror. During the beating I think I saw Naruko glance at me which made me feel horrible for just standing there, and to her it probably looked like I was happy to see her getting beat up. A little while later I was snapped out of my thoughts by my sister who was standing behind me. "Hey Menma, what are you doing looking and nee-san's room for?" And when I stiffened up when she suddenly called me. "You also know Naruko is our nee-san?" I asked in more of a statement then a question. "Yeah I found out two days ago when I heard Ibiki say that she was Kaa-san's daughter. Why did you also hear him?" Mito asked. "No I didn't hear him two days ago during the foxhunt I already figured it out when we were two when she said happy birthday to us quietly but I was able to hear her and that's when I found out" "So you knew she was our sister and yet you still kept on beating her up?" Mito asked and all I did was hang my head low in sadness, "it's not like I wanted to but I didn't want mom or you to know she was our sister because I thought it was a secret." Was the only thing I said, which earned me a punch to the top of my head, "Ouch, that hurt Mito!" I yelled at my sister who was about to cry, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME NARUKO WAS OUR SISTER!!" Mito yelled at me with pure anger which caught tou-san's attention. "Hey Mito why are you yelling so early in the morning for?" He asked "this whole time he didn't notice we were here until he heard Mito yell? Damn he needs to get his hearing checked then" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mito answer tou-san's question." I'm yelling because Menma knew I called dibs on the last cookie in the cookie jar." I looked at her in confusion but decided to play along if she didn't want to tell dad that we figured out the truth about Naruko. "Well I was hungry and I didn't hear you call dibs." I smirked at her for two intentions, one was that I understood her little charade and also to act like I was happy that I did take the cookie. "You two can quit the acting by see you two here I can already guess that you know the truth about Naruko being you sister?" Tou-san asked which caught both of us off guard. "Yes, we already know that she's our sister, but where's Naruko?" "Well I was going to ask you two the same question." "Well I know where she is but I won't tell you where she is, because she wasn't happy in this house and you probably won't see her come back tonight." Mito said which confused me and tou-san. "Why won't Naruko be coming back tonight nee-chan?" I wake in curiosity. "I'll tell you later Menma, but I won't tell you dad she's somewhere where she's happy now and I don't want her to lose that happiness." Mito said then started to walk away. When she was out of sight I asked tou-san, "why didn't you tell us Naruko was our sister earlier, we could of stopped beating her up and try to make amends with her?" "Kushi-Chan told me to not tell you and she can get scary when something doesn't go her way, but I don't know why your mom hates her, if it's because she's the jinchuriki for the Kyubi no Kitsune then I'm upset with her because she was also the jinchuriki for the Kyubi before the fox was taken out of her." Tou-San said to me." That doesn't mean that you couldn't tell us in secret." I shot back then walked away leaving my dad to stand there alone in his thoughts.

Minato POV

When I heard what Menma said to me I was mad at myself for not thinking about telling them in secret. "I'm the fucking hokage for fucks sake!! And I couldn't even think of that small way to tell them." I was mentally banging my head against a wall."Either way I have to get ready for work." I thought to myself and went back to my room to get ready still a little worried about Naruko.

TimeSkip two years
Naruko POV

It's been two years since I moved in with Ibiki-Oji-san and these have been the best two years of my life. My imouto would come over three times a week, and she even told me that Menma knew that you were our sister and wanted to also make amends which I was glad to hear that Menma also wanted to apologize but it would take time just like Mito. So after three months Menma started to join Mito on her occasional outings and was surprised to see me waiting, I could tell he was nervous just by looking at his posture. "Come on Menma why don't you join us?" "Well if it's ok with you then I don't see the problem, I actually wanted to talk to you about how I'm sorry for being mean and beating you up." Menma said. "it's ok I can put the past behind but it'll take time for me to fully forgive you just like I told Mito." He then looked at Mito who was nodding her head pretty much saying that it was true and she wouldn't mind waiting. "then why do you meet up with each other?" He asked and I just wanted to face palm then and there but I heard a big smack in my mindscape and when I went in there for just a short second I could see Kurama with both his paws on his face. I smiled and laughed internally at the foxes antics, which made him feel awkward. "Well for your information Menma I come here to talk to Naruko and try to make amends and to see how she's been doing." Mito told our brother who sort of looked embarrassed at the obvious answer to why we were here, "come on Menma sit down so we can all talk like siblings should and get to know each other a bit more!" I said to him in a happy tone which surprised him since he never really saw me act and look happy for once. So for the rest of those two years I would train, with Kurama as my sensei and also would hang out with both of my siblings, and after a year of living with Ibiki-Oji-San I snuck back into the compound which wasn't hard since the seals still recognized my chakra signature, and went into the library finding five summoning scrolls. There was the hawk contract, Phoenix contract, fox contract, dragon contract, and even a wolf contract. It wasn't an easy choice to just pick one summon, so I picked two, the fox and Phoenix summoning. So my personal summons are: Aiko a Snow White fox, and Rico a blue Phoenix. I kept my sumonings a secret from all except one person. He is probably the most trust worthy and also pretty lazy, his name is...

(A/N Ha I'm leaving you guys off with a cliffhanger, but you can probably guess who it is, well bye and sorry for not uploading sooner like I said it's my very first time writing a story and I just don't have the mind of a writer but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter)
Word count: to lazy to actually count them

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