Chapter twenty two

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This is so short i'm so sorry 

next chapter will be longer i hope!

(btw hell has begun again and i already want to have another schoolbreak!)

wish you all the best of luck at school and work and wherever you have to go now that the year has officially begun again.


Chapter twenty two


I rang her doorbell and she quickly opened the door. She looked absolutely stunning. I asked her out for dinner tonight and we’re going to the Italian restaurant at the corner. After sitting down and reading through our menu’s we order and wait for our food to arrive. We chat while waiting and only a few minutes later the delicious looking food is placed in front of us. We start eating when suddenly Alex excuses herself to go to the restroom. She grabs something out her bag and walks to the back of the restaurant. It’s been fifteen minutes when I start to worry about her. There couldn’t possibly be that long of a cue for the restroom right? I stand up and walk to the back of the restaurant knocking on the restroom door while saying her name. I get no answer but I hear another noise coming from behind me. I open the back door of the restaurant and what I see breaks my heart. Alex is kissing another boy at the back of the restaurant. I start screaming at her and then it all fades away.


‘hey man. Wake up dude’. I hear Luke say while shaking me.

‘Where is she?’ I open my eyes and panic.

‘It was just a bad dream again. Alex is save at home’. Luke says and walks away to the bathroom of our hotel room.

I relax and lay down again. Another nightmare. I got them two months ago. The first month of the tour was amazing and everything was going perfect. The American crowds were amazing and I called Alex every day. Everything seemed to be alright. Towards the end of the first month Alex became busy with I don’t even know what. Days would go by without even talking to her. Half way through the second month of the tour the nightmares started to come. I get a nightmare about Alex almost every night and every time something bad would happen to me or to her. I think I get those nightmares because I don’t speak to her anymore and I don’t know what she’s up to. It’s like she has completely faded away.

You might think why I don’t speak to her anymore and that thought is running through my mind every day as well. Like I said halfway through the American tour I lost contact with Alex. First we stopped calling but kept on texting but soon that stopped as well. I still blame myself for losing her so easily but I don’t know what I could do about it. I’ve tried my best to keep on calling her but she’s always too busy with something else.

It has now come to the point where my bandmates are telling me to move on. I haven’t heard from Alex in a whole month and I bet she doesn’t even care for me anymore. The hard thing is that I can’t seem to forget her. I even wrote songs about her because it made me feel like she was close to me. She’s something special I was never planning to let go. But I still did.

We had our last show two hours ago and already said goodbye to the All Time Low boys. They really gave us the best opportunity ever and now it’s our time to do it by ourselves. We’re currently waiting for our plane back to Australia. As soon as we land I will go over to Alex house and try to get her back. I don’t even know what to tell her. I’m probably going to apologize for something I don’t even know I did. Or maybe she can finally tell me why she was so busy all the time.

A lot of hours later we finally arrive at the airport. We get our suitcases and all get in a taxi going back to our houses. It’s been a long time since I’ve been back home and I’m so happy to finally see Sidney again. On the way home I can’t stop thinking about how Alex would react when she sees me this afternoon.

A little later I finally arrive home and knock on the door. My mum opens the door with the biggest smile on her face and soon Mali and my stepdad join us.

‘I MISSED YOU SO MUCH CALUM’. My mum shouts and hugs me close and soon everyone joins in for a group hug. It feels good to be back home after so long. Of course we talked over the phone and skype but there is nothing better than actually being with your family.

After unloading my suitcase and giving out some souvenirs while catching up with my family, I get ready to go over to Alex’s house. Suddenly the nerves kick in and I don’t know if this would be a good idea. My sister joins me in the hallway and assures me it’s OK to go and talk to her after so long.

Not even 20 minutes later I’m walking over to her house. I knock on the door and it quickly opens. Her dad is standing in front of me with a shocked expression on his face.

‘Hello Calum’. He greet.

‘Hello nice to see you again’. I say.

‘What can I help you with?’

‘I came to see Alex’. I smile.

‘Oh but Alex isn’t here young man. I’m sorry’.

‘Where is she then?’ I ask and my smile fades.

‘Didn’t she tell you?’

‘Tell me what? We lost contact almost two months ago’.

‘Oh I’m so sorry to hear’. He says and I start to panic.

‘Where is she? Is she ok?’

‘She is doing alright at the moment’.

‘Can you please tell me what’s going on? I’m worried sick’.

‘It’s not my story to tell. Go give her a visit at this address’. He says and hands me note.

He closes the door and I start walking towards the park. Whenever I’m in a bad mood I always seem to come here and I don’t realize how much I’ve missed it until I visit it again and sit down on the swing.

I look at the note in my hand but can’t seem to recognize the address. Why would she live at another address? Did her parents get a divorce and is that what she wanted to tell me? Is she living with her grandmother? Thoughts start running through my mind again and I can’t stop them from going crazy.

I want to visit the address as soon as possible but it will have to wait till tomorrow. I have a jet leg and I don’t think I can handle any more stories right now. It’s time for me to rest for a while and I’ll see how everything goes tomorrow. I'm determined to find Alex and get her back just like it used to be.

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