The Cupboard

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It was raining, loud pitter patter can be heard by Harry through the confines of his cupboard. Uncle Vernon had just locked him in for burning the eggs he was ordered to fry. He curled into himself in his cupboard, arms sore and back hurting, knowing that he wouldn't be let out in a long time.

The last time Harry had been locked in his cupboard was when he accidentally broke a plate while he was trying to take it from the kitchen counter to the dining table for his relatives. Harry knew he would be in big trouble the moment he felt the white ceramic plate slipping off his fingers, crashing onto the hard floor, shattering into pieces instantly with an echoing 'PANG!'.

Harry had tried to clean up the mess by picking up the shards of the floor, praying that they might not have heard it. His prayers were unheard though as Aunt Petunia's voice sounded behind him.

"You utterly worthless and useless freak!" she bellowed.

"How dare you break my possessions after I have so kindly let you stay in my home!"

"H-Hawwy s-s-sowwy" Harry muttered as he faced the wrath of his aunt landing sharp smacks on his back, tears threatened to fall. But he tried to hold them in. Crying meant more pain. He didn't want that.

"Don't you dare talk back to me you freak!"

Harry kept quiet throughout his punishment, well, as quiet as he could be anyway, waiting for the beating to stop. A hand gripped the collar of his tattered shirt and threw him forcefully into his cupboard to repent for his actions. He had stayed in there for almost a week.

Now, Harry was stuck in his cupboard with only a small piece of bread that he had snuck into his cupboard from the kitchen counter. No escape, no water, nothing to do but stare solemnly at the small wooden door, wondering when he would be released.

The cupboard was dark, had no openings but a few minuscule gaps for fresh air to come in. Harry had barely any possessions. He has an old tattered shirt that was once his cousin Dudley's. It was huge, engulfing his small frame when he wore it. But it was the best he had for clothing. A worn out pen for when he had to do Dudley's homework laid in the corner of the cupboard above a dirty old blanket and that was it.

Only having been let out twice to go to the bathroom after several days in his cupboard, he thought 'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Make Uncle Vernon angry! No go out of cupboard anymore.' The thought made Harry start to cry, several tears rolled down his wounded cheeks. He cried softly, afraid that his relatives would hear him and punish him more.

Harry had already gotten yelled at and smacked for burning their breakfast, he didn't need anymore pain. Every time he cried, he wished that someday, he might be comforted by someone like Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon does for their precious Dudley when he was upset. He hoped for someone to care, to love him like they're supposed to. But who was he kidding, he's a worthless freak that did freaky things and can't even do his chores correctly. Nobody would want him anyway. The thought stayed with him until he cried himself to sleep.

Severus walked down the halls of Hogwarts towards the Headmaster's office, wondering why he would need him to be there at such an hour. With his long, black robes billowing behind him as he walked, he arrived at the entrance of Dumbledore's office. Irritatingly hissed the words, "Sherbet lemon," to the gargoyle that allowed him entrance to the office.

He could not comprehend why the Headmaster would have such a password for his office. Entering, he saw Dumbledore sitting on his chair, sipping tea as he asked Severus,

"Would you care for a lemon drop?" Dumbledore inquired.

"No." Severus replied.

"How about some tea then?" Dumbledore asked again.

"No. Now, would you please get to the reason that you would require me in your office at this hour?"

"Very well. I would like to ask you for a little favour my boy." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

"And what would the favour be Headmaster?" Severus asked. This was rather unusual for the Headmaster to ask him for favours. He spent most days in his potions lab creating potions and drawing out lesson plans.

"This is something I can only trust you with Severus." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, dangerously brighter than before. That was not a good sign for Severus.

"I would like you to check on Harry at the Dursley's. It has been known to me that there has been some problems regarding Harry." The Headmaster continued. Severus felt that this was ridiculous. Him? Checking on the Potter spawn? Has the Headmaster finally gone mad?

Severus voiced his exact thoughts towards Dumbledore. "Have you finally gone mad Headmaster? You want me to check on the brat? This is a ludicrous idea. I'm not doing it, find someone else."

"Severus, my boy, you are the only one I trust with this task."

"You seriously want me, someone who barely tolerates children, let alone 4 year olds, especially Potter's spawn, to check on Potter!? Perhaps you should ask Minerva or Poppy." Severus suggested.

"I do think that this it is a wonderful idea for you to check on Harry. Didn't you make a promise to Lily? It would be good to keep that promise wouldn't it? You just have to check on him Severus, there might not even be a need to interfere."

It's always Lily. Bringing out the sore spots in Severus's heart, used as bait, a threat to do what the Headmaster wants. Severus inwardly sighed in frustration, this was not how he intended to spend his Saturday night.

Severus had wanted to have a calm, peaceful and quiet time in his potions lab, restocking his potions. But no, he had to be here, in the Headmaster's office, telling the Headmaster that no, he would not like to check on Potter thank you very much.

"Why would a spoiled brat like him need to be checked on anyway, he is probably just seeking attention. That insufferable brat." Severus said. 'What a waste of my time' he thought.

"Don't be too quick to judge my boy. Im sure you will find out the answers when you carry out the task."

"Fine." Severus spat. He growled in anger. How wonderful, he now had one more thing to do, adding to his long list of tasks. He went back to his quarters and started brewing multiple potions, to distract himself from the fact that he had to go to Privet Drive the next morning. What a pain.

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