Chapter 1

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                                 A year later

    It was dark, I was running. Or was I ? My surroundings weren't changing, everything around me was pitch black. Then I hit a hard surface. A wall ?

"Help! Help! I-"

All of a sudden a hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my screams for help.

"Shh... calm down, it's only me."

As usual, Xander was here. In my dreams.

My body calmed, and sagged in relief; assuming he was my rescuer from whatever I was running from. Then I heard slow clapping, and foot falls that were much too confident coming from the darkness behind me.

"Took you long enough, Brother. She almost got away. We can't have that can we?"


Xander tensed and pressed his hand harder against my mouth, nodding. "Definitely not. I got her."

The reality of my situation set in, realizing Xander has only stopped me to hand me over to Owen. Betraying me. Kicking and screaming, Xander picked me up and started handing me to Owen.

In Owen's arms, he looked down at me, the piercing blue of his eyes imprinted in my mind. I began kicking again, screaming, -

"Audrey, Audrey, Audrey!"

Someone was shaking me by my shoulders.

Opening my eyes, I found Carter staring down at me. There was a little crease between his eyebrows, I could tell he was worried.

My breathing was heavy, and I felt somewhat lightheaded, my hands clammy. He must've heard my nightmare.

I pushed the covers off of me, sitting up. I didn't need anyone worried about me, I'm supposed to be making everything better by being home. And here I am, messing everything up with my stupid nightmares. "I'm okay, Carter. Just a bad dream. Can I breathe now?"

He nodded and removed his hands from my shoulders, sitting beside me on the edge of my bed. Ever since I got home, he's been attached to my hip. And when I use the word 'attached' , imagine a parasite clinging onto you for dear life.

"Quin, c'mere boy." From the foot of my bed, my puppy's ears lifted up and his tail started swaying. "That's right, I'm talking to you." I said, laughing. "Now come here."

Now three years old, he was pretty big. But he still got in my lap as though he was a tiny thing. Hugging him, and all of his fluffy warmness, took away everything. My nightmares, my memories, the responsibilities that came with being home again. He was my not-so-little soldier, and I loved him so much.

Releasing him , he got off of me and laid sideways on my bed; his head in my lap. He was looking up at me with adoration, which was the cutest expression.

Sighing, I remembered Carter was still here too.

"Are you gonna tell your mom about your dreams, Audrey? It could be serious, you may need to see a psychiatrist, or maybe ..." His explanation being wasted on the walls around us, because I wasn't listening.

"Well thank you for your suggestions, but I reaallyyy need to get dressed and stuff. So make your way to the door, thanks." I said, walking over to my closet.


"Carter, get out. Now."

I heard him sigh loudly before hearing my door close. Was it rude to not want to hear the same things every single time I dream? I needed to heal, on my own.

"I'm going to shower, and then we'll go for a walk okay?" I said, looking at Quin.

His tail started swaying again, and he looked over at his collar sitting on my nightstand. Even if humans didn't understand, I have someone who does.

Well there's chapter one, not too much yet. Don't forget to vote or comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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