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Don't conclude things when you are not sure.~

"Jungkook I told you many times!! Go back to bed", warned Jin for the seventh time that morning

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"Jungkook I told you many times!! Go back to bed", warned Jin for the seventh time that morning.

The younger had woken up earlier with a fever but didn't want to stay in bed as the older has asked.
"But Hyungie I'm okay!", Jungkook exclaimed.
"I'm the doctor here!", the elder said sassily.

The other two males that were witnessing the commotion let out fake coughs.
"Ahem! jungkookie I think it's better if you listen to Jin hyung. Don't worry about your date because I'm sure Yugyeom won't mind", said Changbin.
"That's true. Besides you don't look so good", added Hoseok.

Jungkook let out a frustrated sigh.
"Where's Yugyeom when I need him", he mumbled quietly under his breath.

He looked up at Jin with his irresistible brown orbs, counting on it to work.
"Hyungie I really need to go to the festival with Gyeomie. Pretty pwease"
"That is sweet but it's still a no. Now go to your room ".
" Just go rest Jungkook. You don't want to upset Jin hyung even more now do you? ", said Hoseok patting the younger's shoulder.

The younger huffed and gave up, going upstairs knowing he will never win against his hyung.

Entering his room. He threw himself on his bed and let sleep swallow him as he listened to the rain that has started not so long ago.
Maybe finally listening to Jin was a good idea.

After what seem like hours, he was awakened from his sleep with a slap across his face.

Still half asleep, he jerked up and looked around the room soon meeting the eyes that were already focused on him.

'I must be dreaming' - he thought. He was about to lay down again but felt himself being dragged out of his bed and thrown onto the floor.

"No body is around to help you  rouge", the voice said.

Groaning, he held his head in his hands and looked at the source of the voice.
"What did I do wrong...Luna?", he asked carefully.

Nayeon let out an amused low chuckle," well at least you know I'm superior than you", she said.

Confused the young male tried opening his mouth but was shut  by another slap across his face. This time it was more hard and burning sore. He couldn't help but let his suppressed cries out.
"L-luna why are you doing this to me!"

"You are really something. Playing all innocent "




"A peasant and a rouge like you better know its place", the female Alpha said as she landed one last punch on the male and left the room.

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