Ch.5: Present Friendship is a Myth.

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"Now, follow me." Dot eyes said while turning around and floating towards Mina's room.


"Oh shut up and come in." Dot Eyes said cheerfully.


They floated right through the door. An ability Bakugo didn't know that they possessed in this form, but whatever.

When they entered Bakugo was surprised to see all his friends laughing and spending time together, without him. Racoon Eyes, the real Racoon Eyes, Tape Arms, Pickachu, and Earphones were all playing 'Mario Kart' together.

"AWW Mina-san! I can't believe you won again!" Pickachu yelled.

"Well yeah, when Bakugo isn't here I don't have to hold back." she said laughing.

"What is she talking about?" Bakugo asked.

"Yeah, Bakugo always throws a shit fit if he loses." Earphones said in a both sassy and monotone voice, getting a volley of laughs from the others.

Then Tape Armes did a very accurate impression of an angry Bakugo. He started yelling about how he lost on purpose, and how the game was defective, and how the rest of the group were all losers, and how he was the greatest ever. This resulted in Earphones curled up in a ball laughing and crying, Pickachu laughing so hard he was stuck on his back like a turtle, and Racoon Eyes was laying on her stomach kicking and punching the floor and she struggled to breathe from the laughter she was experiencing. They were having a great time at the ash blond's expense, all the while being glad that he wasn't around to see it.

"Hahaha ha ha~" Racoon Eyes started, "It is a shame though. I mean ever since Kiri- well you know- Bakugo just hasn't been the same."

"Yeah, he's been worse. Sometimes he's completely unresponsive and sometimes I see actual murder in his eyes. Like none of that "DIE" shit he used to pull, actual blood lust." Earphones said in response.

"What's worse is it's almost always directed at Midori-kun" Racoon Eyes continued.

"Poor kid hasn't done a thing to Kacchan either" Pikachu said as he walked over to sit in Earphones lap.

"Well I don't know, Bakugo must have some reason for hating him, right?" Tape Armes said shrugging.


"Yeah Deku-kun is like a literal angel." said Pikachu.

"I mean yeah, maybe that's why they don't get along because Bakugo is a literal demon." Earphones said in a joking manner while putting her phone charger into her boyfriend's mouth.

The room was once again filled with laughter at Bakugo's expense. He could tell that they weren't trying to be mean, they were idiots but they were his idiots and they were loyal to him. But it still hurt, he hated that they thought they needed to talk smack about him behind his back. Sure he was aggressive, but they could be themselves around him, right?

"HAHAHA, they seem like really great friends you have, tell me Boy is this how they always are?" the Dot Eyed spirit said with a curious smile.

"I mean, yeah, they're great, but they are a lot less wild and open around me. I didn't realize just how big their crazy personalities are, I guess they are more..." Bakugo struggled for the right word "diluted around me."

"You must really frighten them if they can't act like this with you around" the spirit said looking at Bakugo from his peripheral.

Bakugo glared at the man floating next to him, at first his face was riddled with anger, showing his pointy eyes with disappearing pupils, he gave the spirit that god awful face only he was capable of. Then, slowly the ugly melted off his face showing a slight pout. He was saddened by the idea that his friends, the only idiots in the world he kinda, no he actually cared about, didn't really trust him like they trusted each other. Quickly his ego kicked in and he was back to looking annoyed. He stayed there for a while watching them all have fun, occasionally throwing back insults even though he knew they couldn't hear him. The floating men stayed and watched for a while longer.

Then the group stormed outside to see what all the noise was about. This resulted in Racoon Eyes squealing about how adorable Deku was and flinging herself on top of him crying about how jealous she was of his looks. The others were complementing Round Face on her makeup work, and Pickachu ended up being thrown outside with The Perv, by his girlfriend, after he called Glasses "A tall glass of sexy".

"Ready to go?" Dot Eyes asked the explosive blond next to him.

"Yeah, whatever," Bakugo said with his hands in his pockets not trying to sound too disappointed, or eager. He liked seeing his friends this way, but he was also so fucking tired.

A Time Tube was opened and the boy walked in after the spirit, before he did he took one last look at the others. Then he was back in his room.

"What did you learn about yourself and your friends, Boy?" Dot Eyes asked.

Bakugo yawned, turning away from the spirit and looking at his once again solid flesh. "My friend's don't trust me and everybody likes DEKU more than me."

The spirit looked dumbfounded, frozen with his lower jaw gaping. He facepalmed and sighed. 'How did this kid learn nothing about true friendship from watching true friends. Something should have gotten through that thick skull of his. At least I know that Future-dono will have fun with him.' he thought to himself. "You do have quite the.." he started only to be cut off.

"Thick skull." Bakugo finished. "Yeah the other one already said that."

"HAHA, man Past-senpai always taking the good lines." the still floating man laughed.

"Yeah and her delivery was much bette-" he started as he turned around, only to realize that he was once again alone in the room.

He was tired, he had two nightmares and one perfect dream under his belt but at this point he couldn't care less which would happen this time. He flopped onto the bed, the second his head hit the pillow he was out. He slept peacefully for an hour or two, no dreams at all because of his execution.

(Hi, so I wasn't supposed to be here today, but guess what, turns out after much deliberating we decided not to go anywhere. So, I mean, I could have just not updated because I updated this weeks last week, but I decided that because I love all of you I would push the update schedule forward and give y'all another. PLEASE COMMENT with any constructive criticism, things you found interesting, or... knock knock jokes, I like those. Oh and fun fact if you click that little star in the corner it turns orange, you should try it out. I LOVE EVERYONE WHO HAS READ THIS FAR! Until next time, I'm Fairy Fever and I hope you like it.)

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