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My parents warned me about falling in love. They told me it would be a experience that would change my life, and the way I lived. Whenever they talked bout it, I would laugh; because it seemed impossible, that me, a little Vulpix living in the mountains, would ever find love. We weren't completely isolated in our cozy little cave, we had wonderful neighbors, in a way we formed our own little town on the top of Mt. Frolic.

Our neighbors consisted of The Wigglypuffs, who are the nicest pokemons anyone would ever meet. They have 6 children, and one on the way. Their love was so pure, it made everyone on the mountain jealous. Their oldest daughter, Bailey, was about my age, and when we were younger, we were the best of friends. That was until she decided to go and find her own destiny. She was obsessed with becoming a pet, and she wanted more then anything to enter competitions and prove her worth. Of course, Mr and Mrs. Wigglypuff supported her and her decision to leave home, but I never understood why becoming someone else's property would be such a blessing.
The Glaceons are a newly wed couple that mostly kept to themselves. They are trying for a baby, but with little luck. She had gotten pregnant twice but had lost the baby both times. After the second miscarriage, she mostly stayed at home.
Mr. Sawsbuck was very grumpy old man who moved to the mountain to retire. All he did all day was stand in front of his house and look at the sky. There was a lot of gossip about how he has killed someone and escaped to the mountains to hide. I was always scared when walking by his house, because he seemed so lost and angry with the world.
Ms. Skiploom and her son, Walter, live at the very top of the mountain. Her husband had died a few years go, and her son moved back to help her cope with the loss. Her and her husband own the Rest Inn, the motel where I work. Now her son does everything to keep the place going, because Ms. Skipbloom always seems lost in a world of her own. Walter hates staying here and running the Inn, he keeps looking for a buyer, but no one in our town is willing.
Theresa, a Victini, move here a couple months ago. She was young, and had always wanted to travel around the world. Theresa is very funny and had amazing stories about her life adventures. She told me, that she would love to stay here forever, that it was peaceful and beautiful, but she couldn't. She couldn't stay in one place for long, and that she would be leaving soon to another mysterious location.
The only store within 20 miles is owned by the Munna family. They sell everything any of us could ask for, and if they don't have what we want, they special order it for us. The Munna's had 3 children: the twins, Rosco and Ronnie, and a younger daughter named Elane. She is the baby of the mountain and we all spoil her.

Even with our small town, we always had visitors. Many pokemon travelers would come to our mountain to stock up on supplies and rest for the night. It was exciting to meet new people and hear about where there were from, and were they were going. I loved Mt. Frolic and its deep natural beauty, but I wanted to visit new places, evolve into a Ninetails and have my own adventures to tell. I was going to leave the one true place I had ever called home, who knows if I would come back?

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