Chapter 10

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I learned that Chance was very well educated. He pointed out may types of trees and plants that I had never heard of before, he even told me what some of them were used for.

"This is Witch Hazel," he said pointing to a short tree with yellow blossoms. "It is very commonly used with healing burns. Mix the blossoms with water and soak a bandage in it for awhile, then wrap the bandage around the burn."

"Really? Cool. How do you know that?"

"Let's just say, I've had my fair share of burns," he grinned devilishly. I laughed as we continued on the trail.

"Violet, do you see that?," he asked pointing to a small plant on the Forrest floor. The plant had dark green leaves with a lighter green line down the center.

"Yeah, I see it. What is it?"

"Its a herb called: Rat Vein."

"Rat Vein? Gross. Who names some of this stuff?"

He chuckled and continued," Its actually a very helpful remedy for poison. It's mostly used for Poison Ivy or Oak, but when ingested it can help if you've been poisoned by an enemy."

"How do you know that?," I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Oh, you know, I had some problems here and there with it. Nothing too serious," he replied nonchalantly.

"Of course not," I mumble.

As we continued, he pointed out more natural herbs that could help out in a dire situation. Valerian, a white flower that helps you sleep. Turmeric, a green bush that when you eat the root, helps swelling go down. Milk Thistle, a purple flower that if the extract is swallowed it will help lower issues caused by radiation. Eleuthro, a black berry that will give you energy in a moment's notice.

I wondered if he was just making this up as he went, but he seemed genuinely excited once he saw a new plant he knew about. He would point it out and Explain what it can do and how to prepare it properly for treatment. I smiled and watched as him rambled on about how oil from a Eucalyptus will help with a stuffy nose. He looked up and saw me watching him.

"What?," he asked, like it was completely normal to know about Eucalyptus plants.

"Nothing, " I said shrugging, but still grinning at his geeky side.

He stood up and bowed, "Last but not least, my dear lady, I will show you tonight's main event. The moment we've all been waiting for, it will be the end of tonight's nature walk," he stated, gesturing for me to follow. I giggled at his acting skills, they were adorably over the top. He turned and broke out in a high speed run, and I was shocked by his random change in events. I bolted up and was sprinting to keep up with him, but he kept going. You can't complain too much, because you have a pretty good view of, Chance, I thought. Blushing a deep crimson afterward, good thing he couldn't see me. We were running deeper and deeper into the forest, over logs, through cobwebs, and under deep tangles of vines.

Finally, he stopped out of breath, collapsing on the ground. I sat next to him my tongue out, panting like a dehydrated, fat dog on a hot day. Damn, he must be sporty or something. This is ridiculous...where did he get the energy?...

I sat up. "Chance, did you eat one of theose energy berries?," I asked.

"Energy berries?," he repeated confused. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he said rolling over to look at me.

"You did, didn't you? Give me one," I demand, jumping on him searching for a stashed berry. He rolled me over and pinned me down, I was squealing and laughing out of joy and partially out of anticipation. He looked down at me with his deep endless eyes, his toothy grin had never looked as perfect as it did right then. I wish I knew how he felt about me? Every time I looked at him, my brain would stop working because just the sight of him made it overload. His voice sent tremors up my spine, and when our fur brushes against one another my knees get weak.

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