Untitled Part 9

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 She came to me, as promised. I was already in the room, waiting, fresh candles lighting the space, these a much darker red than before. My body snapped upright as she entered my mind, everything before me going black. The only senses left connected to the outside world were my scent, consumed by the insense, and sensations, focused on the breeze that had entered the room as she did, now hung softly, pushing the smoke into my face.

"It has been done," she said, no room left for greetings.

"Good," I responded. "What more can I do, master?"

"All of the demons involved have been banished to Hell. I will clear them, and you will release them back to your world. And when the time comes, you will release me."

"Yes, master," I said, physically bowing my head to her. "And the hunters?"

"About to be infiltrated. Their weakness will be used to our advantage. If things go as planned, I will need you again."

"What for, master?" I asked, my chin rising.

"It's about time they relocated, don't you think?"

I could feel her smirk in my mind. I joined her.

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