Untitled Part 16

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 It was time.

I had prepared endlessly for this moment, for the day Kasadya would be released to our world. The day I would stand before my master, head high, ready to complete my given task by her side.

Everything was ready. The candles, the incense, the writings, the offerings, the grant of release. I waited calmly before everything, sitting on the wooden floor in silence. When she finally arrived, eager, I closed my eyes to let her in and smiled, taking the weight of her with ease.

"Master," I said, warmth and triumph in my welcome.

"A slight change in plans," she replied, cutting directly to the point. "The girl will be coming to us. Now, release me. It's been far too long since I've walked on your earth."

"As you wish," I obliged, raising my hands and starting the grant of release.

And then my master appeared before me, my vision coming back to me to see her appear from the ground up, a swirling cloud of black smoke circling the floor and working upwards, revealing feet first, then legs cloaked by red and black garments, emerging directly into her torso and chest, and finally climbing up to her neck, her eyes, once uncovered, blacker than the night and sinking down past her soul, her horns and nails long and sharp. She grinned at the sight of me, revealing equally sharp teeth that settled into a smirk.

"Come," she said, her words somehow more chilling as she stood befoe me rather than echoing through my head. "We have work to do."

"Yes, master," I replied as always, able to bow down before her at last. Her smile only grew.

End of Book One

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