Untitled Part 1

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 I sat patiently on the floor, my pentagram before me, along with all of my offerings. Sage burned in the corner, filling the room with smoke, and five red candles were lit and resting on each point of the drawing. The light was dim, illuminating off the candles and spreading enough just to see the floor, stopped by the edges of the room and just barely stretching to the corners.

I closed my eyes. Started the prayer, slowly, my voice calm.

"Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee, the power to conceive in my mind and execute that which I desire to do..."

My fingers started to tingle. I continued the prayer, the sensation moving up to my wrist, traveling through my veins to my shoulders, and dropping the moment I reached the final words of the prayer. The voice came next.

"Serae," it spoke in my mind, breaking through the haze of thoughts and diminishing them into nothing.

"Kasadya," I greeted, a smooth smile on my face. "I have done as you asked."

"Good," she praised half heartedly, opening my eyes to look out upon the gifts before her. Some were the standard items needed to summon her, but others had been added. Locks of hair plucked from the bodies of dead hunters, tied together with black string. "Very good. The group here suspects nothing?"

"Their communications are minimal. They speak to the groups north and east of town, hardly any more."

She seemed pleased. Paused. "You'll be rewarded, of course, but I need something more."

"Anything," I replied instantly. She was encouraged by my lack of hesitation.

"I need you to summon a few of my friends. Fully. We've planned an attack on the group in town, and they need to be in their true forms. Undetected, unrestrained."

I couldn't help but smile. "I'd be honoured to assist, master. What must be done?"

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