Untitled Part 12

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 I woke up to my phone ringing. I checked the time before I answered. Quarter past eight. I wasn't surprised to see that it was Colton. I answered, sitting up and throwing the blanket off of me. "Sorry, I slept in. I'll be out in a second."

"Good," he said, hanging up. I put the phone down and started to put on my shoes. Nualily sat up in bed, looking at me tiredly. I glanced up as I tied my last shoe.

"Go back to sleep. I'll be back tonight. Call me if you need me." She didn't respond, just nodded before sinking back into the mattress, closing her eyes once again. I smiled looking at her under all the blankets, wrapped around herself. Peaceful.

A horn honked, snapping me out of it. I went to the door, slid it open, and jumped over onto the tree, lowering myself down the branches until there were none left and sliding down the trunk. Colton was across the street again in his car, watching me. I jogged over and climbed into the passenger's seat.

"Up late?" he asked. His voice was even, but I could sense the jealousy behind it. I rolled my eyes.

"We both had to shower, and it was already two in the morning, so yes." It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"Jealous," I stated, watching him fist the steering wheel at the word.

"I'm not jealous."

"Good, because you have no right to be," I scoffed, sitting straight back in my seat so I wasn't facing him. "I mean, you're the one who's been distancing yourself."

"So you do like her."

"No, I don't!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms. "You're being ridiculous."

"I don't want you to be the one keeping guard," he told me.

"I don't want anyone but me to do it," I countered. His nostrils flared. "I'm the only one she trusts."

"Isn't that fantastic."

"I didn't act like this when you were fucking Annika, so you certainly don't have a right to act like this now," I snapped. He glared at me.

"That was different."

"How? I actually had something to be jealous over?"

"No, you didn't, because you know I love you," he yelled. It hit different this time, like he was saying it to someone else.

"Well, I love you," I said. I pushed myself to believe it, but my stomach sunk as I realized for the first time that maybe I didn't anymore. Maybe we had both been contributing to the distance. "And I haven't been fucking her. Okay?"

He inhaled slowly, then let it all out in a big huff. Several beats passed before he responded. "Yeah, okay." I didn't get an apology, but I didn't expect one either. I let what he did say be enough, and let go of what he didn't.

Colton wasn't happy about it, but I convinced him that I had to keep the night watch until Nualily felt comfortable with someone else. He told me to meet him in my room at three so he could take care of some things. In the meantime, I went and visited Christine and her grandma. After her grandma made us lunch, we went to Natasha's room. They were going to clean it out the next day. I helped them take some clothes and trinkets they wanted back to their joint room, and they helped me transfer all the books to mine. I ended up needing one of her bookshelves to hold them all.

It was nearly three by the time we were done. I went into Nat's mostly empty room one final time, by myself, taking a seat in the center of the room on her floor. I took in her nearly faded scent and closed my eyes, tears streaking my cheeks. I took in a shaky breath before I spoke. "I know you're not here, but... I miss you. I miss you so goddamn much. And I've been trying to distract myself with other things, but you're always in the back of my mind. And you always will be. No matter what I do, where I go, or who else I meet, you'll always be with me, and I'll always love you more than anyone."

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