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the next day felt like heaven to her.
everything that's happened was like a dream.

a beautiful dream,
but why do dreams always have to end?

she had wondered that all day.
at least until she saw his face.

all he did was walk but she always felt better.


she ran as quickly as she could and placed
her hands over his eyes.

"guess who?"

"stop playing, we're gonna miss the bus."

her hands dropped onto his shoulders
and she jumped onto his back.

he had no choice but to play along.
he grabbed her legs and started running.

the breeze felt so pure as it blew at them.

she really was in a fairytale this time.

he was the prince and she felt like the princess
in a world too good to be true.

shut up, h. renjun [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now