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the walk to the park was silent
and everything felt still.

when they made it to the swings,
yuri stared at him a little longer.


she called once,
but there was nothing in response.


she called again,
and he was silent again.



even after she had yelled,
his response was slow and quiet.

he sounded sleepy,
as if he was just about to collapse.
but he wasn't going to.

"renjun, i have a gift for you."

no response.

"renjun, are you okay?"

a slight groan.

"renjun, seriously, just tell me what's wrong."

he didn't respond.

he was too far away to respond now.

she bothered him a little,
repeated his name, poked him a bit.

she was like a child bothering an adult.

she didn't know what to do.

but he was one last word away from the end.


shut up, h. renjun [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now