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"i take it back, so please, let's just go back to how it was."

"if that's what you want."

he knew her words weren't true,
how could she take back something that
meant so much?

she nodded, and was happy to go back to everything.
a world where it was just them shining together.

"but, listen to me too."

his hands grabbed firmly onto her shoulders,
making her drop her stuff on the cold tile floor.

"i love you, even if you want to take back everything.
so you can decide. what are you going to do?"

her eyes trembled in shock, but she built up her confidence.

she pushed his hands off her shoulders and instead grabbed onto his head, pulling him closer.

"you sure?"

her voice softened and renjun felt comforted by it.
he nodded to her words.

she pulled his head farther away.

"now you're really my light. guide me until the end, okay?"

the two smiled,
and that alone made the world light up.

shut up, h. renjun [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now