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WALLS louis tomlinson.
- nothing wakes you up like waking up alone -


10th August 1914
Small Heath

Nobody knew what to say to Florence. Since Tommy's departure she'd locked herself in his room, yet the echoes of her cries could be heard all over the house. Not a single corner of the house was untouched by her sobs.

Sleeping alone for the first time in years had been more than unpleasant; no matter what she did, she just couldn't get comfortable. The ghost of his body next to hers had kept her awake all night, and she was refusing the food Polly kept leaving outside the door.

A gentle knock sounded at the door, yet Florence hardly let out a croak of acknowledgement. It resonated once more, this time with a voice accompanying it. "Flo?"

John wasn't surprised to get no response, but he persisted anyway. If anyone could get through to her, it would be the cheeky brother. "I won't leave until you at least eat something. I have nothing to do today, so if I'm forced to stay outside your door...well, I can live with that."

Her silence made him sigh. He hated seeing her so distraught without knowing what to do to make her better. "Flo? Please? The floor's made my arse go numb."

His ears perked up at a shuffling sound, closely followed by footsteps and the door unlocking. Florence would never admit it to John, but even in the darkest times she found him absolutely comical. He didn't mean to be funny; he just seemed to have a special power when it came to cheering up his brother's fiancé.

"Thank fuck." He cheered, leaping up onto his feet, plate in hand. Before Florence had the chance to take the plate and lock him out again, John quickly ran past her into the room. He'd invented that trick. There was no way was he going to fall for that one.

"He'll be alright, you know. It'll get easier." John smiled sympathetically, teaching over to give Florence's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Trust me, I know."

Her face fell at his words, the realisation kicking in. "Oh John, how could I be so selfish? I'm here acting like I've lost Tommy forever when he's just gone off to train. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." He shrugged. "Martha died a year ago. Tommy will come back without a scratch to be seen. You just have to trust him. He knows what he's doing Flo. This is his livelihood."

Without hesitation, Florence leaned forwards and engulfed John into a hug. How she longed for everything to be different.


The muffled ring of the phone vibrated through Florence's desk the next morning. Hesitantly, she picked up the receiver and held it to her right ear, pushing the stack of papers away that had piled up in bulk over her absence.

"Shelby Company Limited, Florence speaking."

"Hi love, it's me."

Tommy's voice coming through the phone caused a warmth to erupt in Florence's heart. Although happy to hear from him, the sinking feeling in her gut told her not to get too excited.

Yours ⇒ Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now