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ANOTHER SOLDIER the feeling.
- a farewell, i should have cried more -
- i don't eat, i don't sleep, i just fight -
- but what i long for; a safe place, a kind face, the sweet taste i nearly died for -


7th August 1914
Small Heath

Two days had passed since the Shelby brothers had signed up for the war, and it had been chaotic thereafter. Arthur had dragged Florence, Ada and Polly along to the Blinders meeting, and to say it lasted for hours was an understatement. Of course every member of the Shelby family understood their concerns, but it felt like they were going in circles. Each Blinder had asked pretty much the same questions in slightly different ways, which left Polly repeating herself several times until she became fed up of it all. She had silenced them quickly and summarised before sending them home, letting out an annoyed sigh when Arthur closed the door behind them. "Bloody useless, the lot of them."

On the sixth, the brothers had to go to the city hall to swear their allegiance to the King. The women waited outside with expectations of being there all day, and were pleasantly surprised when the men reappeared just half an hour later. Tommy had quickly explained that they did it as a large group rather than individually to speed up the process given how many keen young men had signed up for the war.

Today, however, was the day Florence dreaded most of all; Tommy was being sent off to train. It was only going to be for a week or so, but the thought of saying farewell terrified her. Neither of them knew if he would be returning home before he physically joined the battle, and that scared Florence above all else.

"Your train departs at three. That means we have around an hour." She sighed. "What would you like to do?"

Tommy shrugged. "You forced me to pack last night so I'm all ready. We've got to get to the station right on time; I can't miss it."

A part of him wished the train would never arrive and he'd remain at home with his family, but he knew this was bigger than him. It always was. Regardless, he didn't let his fearful emotions seep through his protective shell. Any detection on Florence's part and she'd devise a plan to run for the hills.

Florence grinned and wrapped her hands around Tommy's bicep as the pair walked down Watery Lane together. "We had last night to ourselves, I think we ought to spend the rest of the day with your family. You need to give Finn as much attention as you can; he still doesn't understand why you're going away. And, like the rest of the world, he's confused as to why none of us know how long you'll be gone. He gets an extra week or so with John and Arthur. Make him your top priority."

Thomas let a smile creep into his face. He adored how much Florence cared about the whole family and didn't allow her own emotions get in the way. "I don't know why you're so worried about none of us being around. You'll manage Finn just perfectly."

"Oh please, he absolutely worships you." Florence snorted. "There's no way I'll come close to the role of Thomas Shelby where little Finn is concerned."

"You know, you'll make a good mother one day. You practically are for Finn now."

"Thomas!" Florence chuckled. "That would make me your mother too, and I do not wish to look at my fiancé that way."

Florence's heart had glowed at his comment. She made no efforts to stop the thoughts of a future family with Tommy flood into her mind, knowing his were mirroring hers exactly. Pictures of their little creations were so vivid, and she could only imagine them running to the top of their beloved hill.

"Fucking hell Flo, not like that." Tommy rolled his eyes with a laugh. "You, alongside Polly, are the only mother figure he's ever known. Poor boy lost his Mum when he was tiny. He loves you so much. We're all really grateful to have you."

His words meant the world to her, and she swore she'd keep them locked away in her mind forever. Florence wasn't sure how much she could take; any more enamoured Tommy and she was certain she'd melt into a puddle on the floor. He was particularly affectionate today, and he made no attempts to hide it from passers by, an usual sight for the Shelby.

Florence wasn't going to complain; she was soaking up as much as she possibly could while she had the chance. Everyone else had more than three days to process the news of the war and sending their loved ones away; Thomas was in the minority.

"Tom!" Finn's voice cried out, causing both heads to turn. The pair chuckled as Finn raced towards them and leaped into Tommy's arms, refusing to leave his side for the remainder of the day.


"I can't believe you're going." Florence frowned. The rest of the family had gone to wait outside after saying their goodbyes, deeming it a good idea to let the newly betrothed say as good of a farewell as they could handle.

Tommy kissed her desperately, not having a care in the world of who was watching. He wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders, pulling her as close as he could. His fingertips danced up and down her back while she sobbed into his neck, her tears softening the material of his shirt. Despite the bleak heaviness of the moment, Tommy provided a warmth only he could administer. No matter when the end of the embrace came would be far too soon; Florence had dug her fingers in hard against her lover's back, grasping onto any last scrap of hope. She didn't want to pull away, even though she knew she had to at some point. His arms protected her from everything, and she wished she could pause time. Staying right there in the moment was all she wanted, but pulled back when she heard the conductor blow a warning whistle.

"You'd better get on that train. Freedom awaits you." Florence forced a smile. Tommy nodded, tears streaming down his face too. "I love you."

"I love you too." In a swift moment, he grabbed her face and kissed her one last time, before hesitantly picking up his bag and turning his back on the person he loved the most.

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