I.p²; I've Seen Some Shits

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Chapter 1.p²
  Third Person
    “WHAT DO YOU MEAN something powerful?” Stefan stepped forward, questioning the witch.

“It must have been the amulet.”

Gloria shook her head, her eyes move to Rebekah, “No, it something different. I have never came across magic like this. It was blurry, I-I couldn't really grasp what I was seeing.”

“Well, what did you grasp?” The original hybrid asked with hostility laced in his voice. He walked over, leaning forward towards the table; his fingers clenching Gloria's seat.

“There's a girl with her friends...”

“Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back,” Rebekah spoke out striding towards the witch.

Ignoring her the witch continues, “Then there was this men's voice and the girl who touched the necklace–”

“What does she look like?” Klaus grumbled.

“I didn't get a look... But I got a name.”

“Which is?”

“INDIGO, COME ON!” Elena's voice was heard from all the way downstairs. India rolled her hazel eyes, she looked herself over one last time appreciating the outfit she decided on. India thought if she was going to be here she might as well dress how she wanted and make the best of it while she tries to figure out what the hell was going on. She walked out of her – apparently – new room and made her way downstairs.

“Wow, that is such a cute top Indigo.”

“Thank you, Caroline.”

The whole ride to Lockwoods' potluck party India watched the street go by, listening in on the conversations in the car here and there. Once they reached their destination Elena and her supernatural besties part ways from Indigo. The new being didn't quite mind, she walked around getting to know the Lockwood mansion, wanting to know how vast it actually is in real life.

A sigh left the young brunette as she stands in the corner, nursing the drink in her hands, watching as the people walk by chattering. Her head veered around when she heard the yell of her name. She assumed that it would be Elena or one of the older Gilbert's friends but it was neither, it was–

“Naomi?” With her eyebrows frowned she says, “What are you doing here?”

“It is a Lockwood party. Everyone's invited.”

India nod, her lips pressed together with a minor smile on them. She felt stupid for asking the girl what she was doing at a party everyone was welcomed too.

“So what are you doing... In the corner... By yourself?”

“Drinking” India raised her drink slightly. “Bored.”

“Well, let's go raid the Lockwoods' liquor cupboard, I know where they hide their best Tequila.”

India smiled, “I'm more of a Rum or Whiskey kinda girl.” The two giggle. With their lock arms, they began making their way into the mansion.

Naomi was telling the truth, she did know where the Lockwoods' hideaway their best booze. Arms lock together, the girls walked around the mansion drinking the stolen whiskey as laugh and talk.

“What the hell.” The tall dark brunette breathed out. India follows her new friend's eyes and there stood Jeremy with his hand up; a slight look of happiness on his face. India remembered this segment of the show, Jeremy was speaking with Anna.

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