Part 1

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I am laying down on mine and Chris's bed while he and his brother Scott are in the living room playing Mario Kart. That's pretty much what they've been doing for quarantine.

They've been going out in the backyard and playing wiffle ball and a bunch of different sports and video games. You kno wjust bonding like brothers do. I love them both so much. Scott is like a brother to me. I have a younger brother but I never see him. But I see Scott all the time.

Chris is my soul mate. We've known each other for about 6 years. We've been dating for about 5. I am having a baby with him and he is thrilled. He is a literal man child and I love him for that. He is going to be such a good father. Scott's already decided he is going to spoil hsi nephew and he's still not due for another 5 months. He is due January 14th of 2021.

"Hey beautiful." Chris says coming into the room.

"Hello." I smile. "I though we were playing Mario Kart?"

"We were but Scott's a sore loser, so we decided to just take a break for a little bit." He says sitting beside me placing his hand on my growing baby bump. The only people that know that we are having a baby is our family's and close friends. We still don't know how to tell everyone.

"You're so mean to your brother."

"Yeah I guess so. But he wanted to go outside so he's walking Maggie and Dodger."

"Really. We got to go grocery shopping here in the next few days." I say pulling my self up.

"Yeah we do lets go now. Your mom sent a bunch of masks for us to use when we have to go out." He mentions.

"Yeah she told me she would. She's in Manhattan right now, but yeah I can go now."

"Really she better be safe." He says standing up walking out of the bedroom once he hears the dogs coming to the house with Scott.

"Yeah she is. I need to call her. I didn't get to call her yesterday." I say getting up and walking into the closet getting dressed into a long sweater dress thing and some doc martins.

" I say getting up and walking into the closet getting dressed into a long sweater dress thing and some doc martins

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