New Chapters

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Hi. So this unfortunately isn't a chapter. I want to first apologize about the fact that I seemingly abandoned this story. I know it's been over a year. I sincerely hope you haven't abdoned hope for this story, though if you have, I understand.

If I'm being honest there were multiple reasons for this story not being updated. Me not having access to the tv show for one. I write my chapters as I watch the episodes so that what I include from the show is as accurate as possible. 

Another reason is a lack of time. I'm currently in college and I am double majoring and double minoring. I also work a part-time job. So my free time has been super limited. 

But the main reasons is that depression took over my life for the better part of last year and this year. One bad thing after another happened, I wasn't getting back the feedback I had hoped for on my stories, not just this one but all the others on my profile. Eventually I lost the ability to be creative. 

Slowly I've been getting back into writing though. I'm in a new and healthier relationship and I'm crawling out of that pit that I fell in. I started working on more of my passion projects. My original stories. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this story. I still absolutely love this story and I hope to continue it and the companion stories I have planned for it. I've been working on finding a way to watch the show again so that I can continue with the story. Once I do, I'll start working on making more chapters.

That being said, I wont give you guys a definite date that I'll starting adding new chapters to this story or how often I'll update once I do. In the mean time I would be immensely grateful if you could read some of my other stories, namely my originals. Some of them aren't everyone's cup of tea, and if that's the case don't read them. Theres no sense to reading something you know you wont like. If you do choose to read one of my originals please, leave a comment and/or vote. I love contrsuctive criticism and gaining insight from my readers. 

I hope this update helps some of you understand what's been going on and where things are going to go. 

I hope you all have a lovey day/evening and I'll see you on the flipside!

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