Chapter 2

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                                                         SIX YEARS LATER

The Avengers compound was completely silent, with the occasional sound of birds chirping outside. Thor hadn't been outside in a while. Ever since the funeral, the Avengers were pretty much nonexistent. He walked through the hall, looking out the window. It was the only thing he could think of doing other then sitting around. 

"You look like you're bored out of your mind." Steve said suddenly, almost scaring him. 

"Well, there's not much else to do." Thor responded.

"You could join Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Carol, and I in the living room."

"Sorry, I stopped listening there for a second."

As soon as Steve mentioned Carol's name, he stopped thinking. Thor really didn't know why his brain did that, but ever since he'd met her, it kept getting worse. Anytime anyone else's name was said, he didn't care. It was just her's. 

"We're watching Star Wars. Peter recommended it to us."

"I have nothing better to do."

Thor followed Steve to the living room, where the rest of the group was waiting. Steve sat down next to Bucky, starting up the movie. Thor sat in one of the empty chairs, not really focusing on the movie. 

"You missed it Thor." Carol stated. 

"Hmm?" Thor wondered. 

Thor looked up, staring right at Carol. He slightly jumped, not expecting her. Carol smiled a little bit, continuing to speak. He didn't pay attention to half of it, nodding as if he was. 

"You're not even listening to what I'm saying, are you?"


Carol looked at him, chuckling a little bit. It was pretty funny to see his reaction. She didn't know why he was acting weird, but then again, everyone was. 

"If you even slightly listened, I said that you missed the best part of the movie."

"Which part?"

"The part where Anakin and Obi-Wan are fighting on Mustafar."

Thor smiled a little bit. He knew she loved Star Wars as much as Peter did, but not to this extent. He found it amusing to watch her reaction to a movie she had seen hundreds of times. 

"Can you two shut up?" Sam said. 

"Sam, I am real close to slapping you." Carol looked back at him. 

"No one's slapping anyone." Steve interrupted. 

"Way to ruin the fun Steve." Carol grumbled, sitting back in her chair.

Thor folded his arms, sighing loudly. He stared at the tv, blankly watching the rest of the movie. His mind couldn't stop thinking about Carol. It was starting to annoy him. Not in a bad way, not that he minded in the first place. It was better then everything else on his mind. 

"What are we going to do next?" Bucky wondered. 

"I got a whole list of stuff Peter wanted us to do." Steve mentioned. 

"He probably wants you to watch Star Trek." Sam shook his head. 

"I have a better idea." Carol said excitedly. 

"What?" Sam asked. 

"Anyone up for a Nerf war?" Carol suggested. 

"Better believe we are." Natasha smiled. 

"Sure why not?" Bucky shrugged. 

"I'm in." Steve nodded."

"Get ready to lose." Sam grinned. 

"You've been too quiet Thor." Steve looked at him.

"I'll join." Thor said quickly. 

"Good. You all know the rules." Carol smiled widely. 

The Avengers left the living room, trying to find a place to fortify. Thor moved some of the furniture around to make a good fort to hide in. He had a solid view of most of the living room and kitchen.

"This is my territory Sam. You step one foot in front of it, you'll be dead before you hit the floor." Natasha shouted. 

"Go to hell!" Sam responded from the bathroom.

Thor popped his head up slightly, trying to see what was going on. As soon as he did that, a Nerf bullet flew past his head. He immediately ducked down. He was more cautious, looking around. He spotted Carol hiding behind the kitchen table. 

"I'm going for it Cap." Bucky said. 

"It's a suicide mission Buck." Steve informed him.

"At least I can get Carol out."

"True. I'll get Natasha."

The two of them nodded, running to their targets. Steve got nailed in the head by Natasha before he even saw her. Bucky ran towards Carol, releasing a foam bullet at her. Thor made a split second decision, bursting out of his fort, running full speed right in front of the bullet. He face planted into the ground, not caring that he had gotten himself out.

"What the hell Thor?" Bucky looked at him.

"You just lost bastard." Thor grinned.

Bucky turned around, staring right into the face of Carol. She nailed him in the face, before running behind Thor's destroyed fort. Thor sat up from the ground, watching the fight between Sam, Natasha, and Carol. The three of them didn't even move from where they were. 

"Someone's going to have to move sometime." Steve announced to them.

"I'll move when Sam dies." Carol shouted.

"Not going to happen!" Sam yelled back. 

Thor smiled slightly, chuckling at his friends. This was the most fun he'd had in a while. He watched Natasha nail Sam in the head as soon as he stepped a foot out of the bathroom. Carol immediately took her chance to hit Natasha. 

"Carol's asking for a death wish." Steve mumbled.

"She can try." Carol folded her arms.

"Someone's going to die." Thor said as he walked out of the room. 

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